Benghazi committee gives Hillary Clinton more time to turn over emails

The House select committee investigating the Benghazi attack has given former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton an additional two weeks to turn over any emails related to the deadly assault.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the committee's chairman, had given Clinton until this past Friday to respond to a subpoena of documents held in her private e-mail server. However, committee spokesman Jamal Ware confirmed to Fox News late Monday that the deadline had been extended to March 27.

"Chairman ‎Gowdy granted a reasonable extension because for him this is not about politics, it is about getting all relevant documents for the Committee," Ware said in a statement. "He still believes the best option for Secretary Clinton is to turn over her server to a neutral arbiter to independently determine what should be in the public domain. The Committee has no interest in her personal emails."

Clinton has come under heavy scrutiny since it was revealed earlier this month that she conducted all her correspondence while secretary of state from a private e-mail address run on a so-called "homebrew" server registered to her New York home.

A Clinton spokesman insisted late Sunday that members of her staff had examined "every e-mail" from that account before turning over more than 30,000 messages to the State Department to comply with federal record-keeping rules. Another cache of nearly 32,000 emails were considered private and were deleted.

The State Department has said that it has already turned over all official correspondence related to the Benghazi attack, approximately 300 messages in all, to the committee.

The Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in the Libyan city resulted in the deaths of four people, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Fox News' Chad Pergram contributed to this report.

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