Bannon, Kushner make peace for now, insiders say

FILE: Fox News has learned that there is a schism between, Steve Bannon, right and a group led by Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. (Reuters)

White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner have made significant progress since meeting Friday in Mar-a-Lago to mend fences, White House insiders tell Fox News.

President Trump last week had ordered Bannon and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus to "work this out," amid mounting media reports detailing infighting between Bannon and Kushner, who also is a senior presidential adviser. The clashes had become a distraction from the White House focus on Syria and the Senate vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Priebus took the reins last Friday, organizing a night-time meeting to smooth things out, along with other senior aides in south Florida.

So far, some order has been restored, Fox News is told, and a sense of unity has reemerged over the weekend among senior staff -- who are basking Monday in the swearing-in of Justice Gorsuch, arguably Trump's biggest win so far of his first 100 days.

A senior administration staffer told Fox News that, overall, Bannon and Kushner get along, and described their differences as more philosophical than personal. Bannon and Kushner often walk into each other's West Wing offices to talk on issues.

Another top aide said he seriously doubts Bannon would leave any time soon, as has been suggested by other outlets, because of how close Bannon is to the president.

Priebus also was able to stabilize his presence as chief of staff, even though President Trump does ask people, "How is Reince doing?" before White House meetings -- sometimes in front of Priebus.

One White House official speculated Trump does this to keep him on his toes.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked Monday about the reported infighting.

"Overblown," Spicer said, dismissively. “The reason the president brought this team together is to offer diverse opinions."

"He is the decider," Spicer added.