Army to Punish Nine Officers in Connection With Fort Hood Shootings

The Army announced Thursday it will punish nine officers in connection with the Fort Hood shootings for "leadership failures relating to the career of Maj. Hasan."

Army doctor Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is accused of killing 13 people and wounding 29 others on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood in Texas.

The Army does not identify the officers who will be punished nor does it reveal their specific punishments. A press release from the Army reads:

"The severity of each action varies depending on case-specific facts and circumstances. In certain cases, it may take several weeks to ensure that each officer is accorded appropriate due process and to take final action. In order to protect the due process rights of the officers involved, the Army will not identify them or provide details of the administrative actions at this time. Upon the completion of all cases, the Army will review whether the release of additional information would be appropriate."

Army Secretary John McHugh has sent a comprehensive review of the incident to Secretary Gates.

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