Arizona state senator officially seeking Giffords seat

Republican State Sen. Frank Antenori is officially in the race to replace Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

Antenori made the announcement Friday at a Republican Club meeting in Green Valley. He plans to run in both the special election to replace Giffords in District 8 this spring and the regular election for her renumbered District 2 in the fall.

Antenori moved to Tucson after retiring from the Army in 2004 and lost a 2006 primary run for the Congressional seat. He went on to win a 2008 state House race and crushed his Democratic opponent in a 2010 race for the state Senate.

Other Republicans expected to enter the primary race include 2010 Giffords opponent Jesse Kelly and Tucson sports broadcaster Dave Sitton.

Several Democrats are considering entering the race.

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