
PHOENIX -- An Arizona state senator says he was acting in self defense before the arrest of his girlfriend Friday night on one count of assault that allegedly was the byproduct of a jealous rage.

Police arrested Sen. Scott Bundgaard's girlfriend Aubry Ballard after the two attended a "Dancing With the Stars" charity event that apparently included a saucy rhumba dance.

Bundgaard told MyFoxPhoenix that he acted in self defense when Ballard began throwing his things out of the car, punching him and trying to get into the driver's seat when he stopped alongside a state road.

Police said when they showed up, Bundgaard was pulling Ballard out of the car.

She released a statement Saturday calling the episode the "absolute worst night of my life."

"I'm still trying to get my mind around a few things: Scott's actions; the 17 hours I spent in jail awaiting processing; my bruises, scrapes and soreness; and his statements to the media.”

Bundgaard, who as a lawmaker is given legislative immunity from arrest, said he didn't do anything to warrant a charge.

"If I'm guilty of something, they should charge me, and the constitution provides them with the ability to charge me if I have done something wrong," Bundgaard said.

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