Alleged scammers burn Miami-Dade fire department from within

South Florida is no stranger to insurance fraud.

But a recently exposed scam involving public workers is sure to leave taxpayers seething and give Miami-Dade's bravest a black eye.

Anthony Dorta, a fire inspector with the county's Fire Rescue Department was arrested last week, accused of submitting a bogus insurance claim.

While claiming he couldn't work due to a knee injury suffered on the job, Dorta raked in $143,000 in benefits.

But according to a county inspector general's memo, Dorta also was painting houses and repairing interior walls, and was observed painting the floor of a warehouse by another fire department employee who was conducting an inspection.

James Quiggle, communications director for the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit alliance of insurance companies, consumer groups and government agencies, told the case is not surprising.

"South Florida is one of the nation's epicenters for insurance fraud," Quiggle said.

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