
Jackie, the woman who made up a frightening story about being gang raped at the University of Virginia as a freshman, was really committed to her lie when talking to a Rolling Stone reporter.

The taped interview between Jackie and Rolling Stone author Sabrina Rubin Erdely was made public by CBS19 on Saturday, and professor and author K.C. Johnson posted what he believed were the best excerpts. Knowing that the gang rape didn't occur makes Jackie's comments in the tape all the more astounding. Here are some of her oddest remarks:

1. Jackie claimed to see one of her attackers everywhere

"I see him all the time. And I was like, you know, I was like, even places like — I saw him at Barracks Road shopping center," Jackie said. "I was like, that's way off grounds. I've seen him in Wal-Mart before when I'm shopping. Like, I was like, why is it this one guy that I see everywhere?"

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