Georgia Witkin joined FOX News Channel (FNC) in February 1998 as the host of "Beyond the News." She is also the lifestyle contributor to WNBC-TV, NBC's flagship station in New York. Her segments appear on "Weekend Today" in New York, "Live at Five," "News at Noon," and the early-morning "Today in New York" program.Read More
Dr. Witkin is the author of "Stress Relief: For Disasters Great and Small;" "The Female Stress Syndrome;" "The Male Stress Syndrome;" "Quick Fixes & Small Comforts;" "Beyond Quick Fixes;" "Passions and The Truth About Women." She has also served on the editorial boards of New Woman, The Journal of Preventive Psychiatry, Health Woman Magazine and Bride's Magazine.
Dr. Witkin is a nationally recognized speaker and has written and hosted her own television show "Between The Sexes." She also co-hosted a show with Dr. Frank Field, entitled "Just Between Us" on WLVI-TV in Boston, and has appeared on CNBC since its inception.