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The far-left’s vile assault on our American history, heroes, and founding documents is never going to stop. Ever. 

All of which begs multiple questions: what is our American history worth? What lengths should we go to protect our founding documents? Should we turn our back on those who founded the greatest nation on the face of the earth and allow their names and memories to be smeared, twisted, censored and ultimately cancelled? 

Should we allow certain anarchists, far-left activists, or eco-terrorists to burn or shred The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights simply to get it over with? What about the American flag? Does anyone really care if our iconic American history is destroyed piece by piece? 


A recent protest at the National Archives truly makes me wonder. 

National Archives Rotunda evacuated after climate activists dump pink powder on case holding US Constitution

The National Archives Rotunda was evacuated after climate activists dumped pink powder on the case holding the U.S. Constitution.

As reported by Fox News, February 14 at around 2:30 p.m., two protesters dumped a red powder all over the casing housing the United States Constitution. Fortunately, the document was not damaged. 

Unfortunately, after the two seeming eco-extremists committed their act of vandalism, they were permitted to deliver a screed which was recorded by some in the rotunda. As if predicted, the presumably rich, entitled young people seemingly trying to make amends for their "privilege," declared in part: "We are determined to foment a rebellion. We all deserve clean air, water, food and a livable climate." 

He forgot to mention they deserve a Ferrari, a private jet and a condo in Aspen, but then, they most likely already have those things and more.  

What they clearly don’t have is any understanding of what a real "rebellion" entails, or say, the sacrifices made by the courageous men who not only fought to create our nation, but whose genius created the very document they sought to defile.  

What was telling – at least to me – was that these entitled vandals seeking to desecrate one of the world’s most iconic documents were given literally minutes after their act to spew their ignorant nonsense.  

The guards on duty allowed them the time to make their anarchistic statement while looking on in confusion or indifference to that which they are paid to protect. 

Why not incapacitate them right away? What if the power was something quite dangerous or even lethal? What if, beyond the powder, they were also able to smuggle weapons into the Archives? 

Again, as one watches the video of this latest vandalism carried out in a high-profile location – two weeks ago at the Louvre Museum in Paris, two other "climate activists" sought eternal eco fame by throwing tomato soup over the casing holding the Mona Lisa – it seems as if the guards were leaderless, and not particularly anxious to do anything.  

children sit on a toppled statue of Junipero Serra in Los Angeles in 2020

Two children sit atop a toppled statue of Saint Junipero Serra at Father Serra Park in El Pueblo de Los Angeles on Saturday, June 20, 2020. (Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

What signal does that send to the next group of anarchists waiting in the on-deck circle to literally smear, damage, or destroy more American history?  

These two "rebels" were eventually arrested, with an official from the National Archives offering up this boilerplate statement: "The National Archives Rotunda is the sanctuary for our nation's founding documents. They are here for all Americans to view and understand the principles of our nation. We take such vandalism very seriously, and we will insist that the perpetrators be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." 

Pardon me, but in Biden World full of far-left activist prosecutors and district attorneys, "the fullest extent of the law" usually means they walk out the same day with no bail needed or consequences expected. Hence, the crime wave in much of our nation.  

For the last several years, I have been Johnny One Note when it comes to this issue. I have been doing all in my power to warn that the woke, far left will not stop until they smear and cancel every one of our Founding Fathers; invalidate our founding documents; defame the American flag; and assign all ills of the world to the "evil" United States of America. 

In July 2022, I authored a book titled: "The 56 – Liberty Lessons from those who risked all to sign The Declaration of Independence." The only reason I wrote the book was to warn of this increasing anarchism and outline how best to combat it. 


Coming up on two years later, I truly wonder if fewer and fewer Americans care about protecting the names, reputations, and genius of our Founding Fathers.  

If fewer care about preserving not only our actual founding documents, but the guiding principles of the brilliantly crafted words in those documents which led to our liberty and freedoms. 

What was telling – at least to me – was that these entitled vandals seeking to desecrate one of the world’s most iconic documents were given literally minutes after their act to spew their ignorant nonsense.  

We are already losing our borders, our sovereignty and much of our identity. If we lose our Founding Fathers; our founding documents, and our American flag, are we even the United States of America anymore? 


Bit by bit, our nation is being taken from us.  

We still have our voices. We must speak up before the national tapestry, woven by the likes of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, is no more.