Joe Rogan, Matt Taibbi slam ‘big bureaucracy’ censorship between Twitter, government
Journalist Matt Taibbi said he was particularly shocked that Adam Schiff’s office frequently asked for content to be taken down.
As headlined in Fox News over the weekend: "Roald Dahl children's books rewritten to delete references to 'fat' characters, add 'inclusive' gender terms."
As the old horror movie tagline once said: "If this doesn’t make your skin crawl, it’s on too tight." Make no mistake, woke censors, activists, and anarchists have united as one to censor, twist, or outright ban representations of our history, our heroes, our literature and our very liberty.
Speaking of books, with regard to this type censorship often employed by totalitarian leaders or regimes, we have this chilling warning from George Orwell’s "1984" published back in 1949:
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."

George Orwell's "1984" is getting a society-wide reboot in 2023 from leftist censors. (Getty Images/Bettmann / Contributor)
Back to our present here in 2023, while not every record has been destroyed, not every book rewritten, not every statue, street, and building renamed, nor every date altered, the far-left woke-army is picking off more and more with each passing day.
Roald Dahl’s beloved children’s books such as "Matilda," "James and the Giant Peach," and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" being but the latest examples.
As was reported, Puffin, the publisher of Dahl's classic works, has hired "sensitivity readers" to make changes to certain portions of the author's wording in the U.K. editions. And by "changes," they mean the inclusion of "gender neutral" language; the exclusion of words their "sensitivity readers" deem offensive; and the outright altering of the author’s intent.
As Dahl passed away over 30 years ago, this alarming censorship of his work brings an entirely new meaning to the words: "ghost written."
Now, in "James and the Giant Peach," the character of Miss Sponge is no longer described as "the fat one," Miss Spider’s head is not "black" anymore, and the Earthworm has given up its "lovely pink" skin for "lovely smooth skin."
Staying with that classic book, Dahl’s "Cloud-Men" are now "Cloud-People." Likewise, the Oompa Loompas in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" described by Dahl as "small men," are now known in the rewritten books as "small people."
Interestingly – but not surprisingly – enough, in "Matilda," the "eight nutty little idiots" was changed to "eight nutty little boys." Apparently, the "sensitivity readers" used by the publisher had no problem replacing the word "idiots" with "boys."
In defending what many to most will clearly view as "identity politics" woke-censorship, the Roald Dahl Story rationalized in part:
As was reported, Puffin, the publisher of Dahl's classic works, has hired "sensitivity readers" to make changes to certain portions of the author's wording in the U.K. editions. And by "changes," they mean the inclusion of "gender neutral" language; the exclusion of words their "sensitivity readers" deem offensive; and the outright altering of the author’s intent.
"The current review began in 2020, before Dahl was acquired by Netflix. It was led by Puffin and Roald Dahl Story Company together. The current review began in 2020, before Dahl was acquired by Netflix. It was led by Puffin and Roald Dahl Story Company together."
Gee, I wonder if that "Inclusive Minds" firm employs conservatives, people of traditional faith, or hires based only upon qualifications rather than checking the latest woke-box?
No matter, as the woke-left has come to dominate what I call the five major megaphones of our nation – the media, academia, entertainment, science, and medicine – this type of draconian censorship, rewriting of literature, rewriting of our history, and smearing those many of us consider to be heroes will go on unabated unless we finally say "enough is enough."
For my part, I screamed "enough is enough" in July of 2022 with the publication of my book: "The 56 Liberty Lessons from those who risked all to sign The Declaration of Independence – Before they and the 4th of July are Banned."
I wrote that book in defense of those men precisely because the calls from the woke left to literally ban the 4th of July while smearing the names and reputations of our Founding Fathers were getting louder and louder.
As they did, one question filled my mind: "What if they are successful?" Well guess what? Little by little, day by day, they are not only becoming more successful but more emboldened.
Like school-yard bullies, unless challenged or confronted, they will not stop.
Which hero of yours; which book you love; which statute you admire; which painting that speaks to you; which date you revere; and which liberty you most cherish will soon be taken from you by these woke-censors, activists and anarchists?
Speak up before your history is "stopped."