Rev. Billy Graham (AP)
Billy Graham turns 95 on November 7. Happy Birthday!
While age and health restricts his mobility, Graham is still doing what he’s always done since 1949, he’s preaching the Gospel.
For more than 60 years, the country preacher from humble beginnings in North Carolina has become a global evangelist and statesman for God.
In that role, he has prayed personally with presidents, kings, queens, world leaders, celebrities and filled stadiums with common folk eager to hear his inspiring message. He is celebrating his birthday with a national outreach called "My Hope America."
It is a program that examines the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the personal lives of people from all walks of life.
To date, more than 24,000 churches have embraced Graham’s vision. Like the Disciples of Jesus Christ who started the early church, people in our modern era will open their homes to share the gospel through Graham’s video message for anyone who will listen.
So why is a 95-year-old man doing this?
It’s because Graham is concerned about the heart and soul of America. He believes the nation is losing its grip on moral clarity. Americans are increasingly losing focus on God and losing a grip on faith and hope.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association finds that in a typical American community our neighbors are dealing with unemployment, depression, fear and anxiety, substance abuse and no belief or relationship with God.
Graham finds that troubling.
“This is why I believe My Hope America is crucial. It could be our last chance to see our country turn back to God,” says Graham.
All of us fall short in embracing God’s plan for our lives. Some of us don’t care because we don’t believe. Some claim religion is a nuisance, a wedge issue that taints politics, causes wars, and creates division.
Billy Graham contends his message goes beyond religion. For him it’s about a personal relationship that he has with Jesus Christ.
“The hour is late, and the need is urgent. The eternal destiny of many souls—and the future of our great nation—are at stake. Pray that we will turn from our wicked ways and that God will heal our land,” Graham adds.
At the age of 95, Billy Graham may be involved in his last public evangelistic mission. Some may scoff or laugh at him, others are too young to recall his impact on the world as “America’s Pastor,” and some may ridicule him or even verbally attack him as an old man who needs to just quietly fade away.
But in the twilight of his life, Graham is doing what he has consistently done, living out loud with his faith and boldly sharing his love for God and for people.
“Everywhere I go I find that people … both leaders and individuals … are asking one basic question, is there any hope for the future?’ My answer is the same, ‘Yes, through Jesus Christ.’”