Wake up, America: My message for Azealia Banks

Last week I noted a rising hip-hop star who had just done an interview in playboy. In that spread, Azealia Banks declared that she "hates America" and that she "hates fat white people."

She blamed white privilege and capitalism for everything wrong in America.

Azealia Banks herself is a multi-millionaire off the system she so virulently trashes...

Therefore.. I named Azealia Banks my “Fool of the Week.”

That didn't sit well with the rapper.

She tweeted that I'm the problem...and that..."Just because I'm white-I don't get it. I am biased and I just can't see that capitalism and white privilege is holding blacks back from success."

This attack on me is ridiculous and riddled with holes...

Yes, Azealia...I do understand black unemployment and poverty levels are far higher than for whites, and I honestly believe that we should never forget slavery. Legal segregation and ongoing stereotyping leads to racial bias...and yes, it's true...true...I am a free market advocate.

But the free market is color blind.

It doesn't see black or white.

The only color the free market recognizes is green.

By the way, your (self-professed) hatred for America?....is far more damaging to black opportunity than me calling you a fool.

African American entertainers like yourself who make bank on divisive race rhetoric are a far bigger problem than me.

Your lyrics are filled with the "n" word.

You rap about drugs, sex, and talk about race baiting like it's a badge of honor.

You get naked for playboy...and when you get called out by me and other conservatives-you send pictures of your “hoo-ha” (thanks a lot Azealia. I can’t un-see that)

As for you, Azealia, you should be promoting your music success to young African Americans...
be a role model teach, don't preach!

Here's a little free advice:

Repeat after me:

instead of "I hate America"

try this... "God Bless America."

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