Wake Up, America: Advice for conservatives about Hillary Clinton email scandal (hint: it's a big deal)

Wake Up America.. .. don’t get sucked into the liberal trap. James Carville is out spinning the story that the Clintons are victims.  Yes, poor Hillary, and Bill. It looks like the media is too hard on them. They don’t deserve all the scrutiny. Nothing to see here...

Don’t be fooled by that old fool Carville. Because  there is a ton to see here.

This email scandal is a big story with lots of legs: Did Mrs. Clinton break the law? Was she hacked? Is President Obama complicit? Did Hillary Clinton use the State Department connection to fill the coffers of the Clinton Foundation and will those funds find their way into her presidential campaign?

The Clintons are synonymous with scandal: Whitewater. Rose Law firm. Trading pork bellies. Travelgate and now the 2016 presidential wannabee  is up to her political eyeballs in another scandal.

This email scandal is a big story with lots of legs: Did Mrs. Clinton break the law? Was she hacked? Is President Obama complicit? Did Hillary Clinton use the State Department connection to fill the coffers of the Clinton Foundation and will those funds find their way into her presidential campaign?

This email scandal is a big story with lots of legs: Did Mrs. Clinton break the law? Was she hacked? Is President Obama complicit? Did Hillary Clinton use the State Department connection to fill the coffers of the Clinton Foundation and will those funds find their way into her presidential campaign?

Conservatives have a golden opportunity. Now some advice. Don’t blow it for once. Stay smart.Stay on topic. No wacky conspiracy theories. There’s enough real scandal to go around. You don’t need to manufacture any.

The Democrats are  very nervous.. they don’t want to back Hillary especially if there are more surprises.. but they have to now.

So, don’t let them off the hook. Be patient and be ready to jump  when the opportunities present themselves which they will.

The left’s focus on the first female president has them on the ropes. What they should have put up was the most qualified candidate of any gender or race. That unforced error opens up the field.. so..  play your cards right, conservatives.

It's your move, Hillary...

Then, sit back. and enjoy the show. It’s gonna be a good one.

And I hear it comes with a happy ending.

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