This Valentine's Day, here are 5 people media love to hate

Valentine's Day is about love, but media love to hate conservatives

Valentine’s Day and its gender-specific spinoff Galentine’s Day are about love. John Lennon wrote that’s all you need. But if you are a legacy journalist, you need more. What you love most is abusing prominent conservatives. 

Heck, not just conservatives. Any people who might disagree with you. 

Here are the top five people the press loves to hate. Being fair, spaces one through five should all be filled by Donald J. Trump. But everyone knows that. Here are the next five on my list.

1. Twitter owner Elon Musk 

The battle for the top is as closely fought as the Super Bowl. But no one spent the last year ticking off lefty journalists more than the man who conquered Twitter and wants to do the same to Mars. 

Musk’s support for online free speech resulted in a Twitter revolt from allegedly neutral journos, many of whom fled in a freedom panic to Mastodon, where censorship is celebrated. Musk has mocked the left’s "Woketopia" and even said The Washington Post "needs a thorough housecleaning" because of the biases of its reporters. (He’s right.) 

Journalists freaked out when some of their number were briefly suspended by Musk for posting his location. Hilariously left-wing NBC News "dystopia" reporter Ben Collins was temporarily blocked from covering Musk and Twitter because his comments were so biased. Even the Peacock network objected, calling his actions "not editorially appropriate." Collins also mocked a journalist reporting Twitter files for doing "PR work for the richest person in the world. Humiliating sh--." The legacy media’s way of saying love, actually. 


2. 'Harry Potter' author J.K. Rowling 

The saying goes that the opposite of love is indifference. Whoever wrote that never watched the LGBTQ mob’s reaction to their favorite author defending the cause of real women.  

That was too much for leftist media. Actors she helped make famous – like Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson – turned on her. And now there is an insane media campaign against a new video game based in her world, called "Hogwarts Legacy." Wired, which once purported to be a legit tech publication, is now run by goofy wokesters. It ran a review headlined, "The game is mid at best, and its real-world harms are impossible to ignore." Real-world harms from a game? Is this Jumanji?

The much-mocked review went on to complain for "how open Rowling becomes about her bigotry." Except it’s people like this reviewer who emulate Voldemort and bully women for daring to say trans women aren’t the same as biological women. The leftist folks at The Mary Sue concurred, "J.K. Rowling has wholeheartedly embraced transphobia, the Harry Potter franchise has become a haven for other anti-trans bigots."  

3. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis 

Leftists dubbed DeSantis "DeathSantis" and even had election signs made up with that term. Newsweek wrote about the kookery, "'DeathSantis' Sign Creators Say Florida Governor Is Letting Coronavirus 'Flourish.'" It’s not true, but that’s the MO of media attacks on DeSantis. 

But their No. 1 criticism of the Florida governor is about … Trump. Or worse. Vanity Fair declared: "A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO WHY A RON DESANTIS PRESIDENCY WOULD BE AS TERRIFYING AS A TRUMP ONE."  

Journalists repeatedly lied and said a bill DeSantis pushed was a "don’t say gay bill." In almost identical fashion, the press lied about his campaign against critical race theory in schools. The New Yorker accused him of being anti-history, not anti-bias. "Ron DeSantis Battles the African American A.P. Course—and History."  

4. Power couple Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni Thomas 

As the lead for the conservative Supremes, Justice Clarence Thomas has grown in stature and influence. And his wife Ginni is important in conservative circles. Naturally, the left wants to go after them both.  

Pro-feminist media outlets demand a woman be told she can’t have opinions because of the conservative man she married. NBC News whined about the "furor over the conservative political activism of Justice Clarence Thomas' wife." I guess women are supposed to be home cooking dinner, not having opinions. Someone might explain that to "Meet The Press" moderator Chuck Todd whose wife works openly for Democrats.  


MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan went after the justice on Twitter, asking, "I have a question for Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats: Why haven’t you impeached Clarence Thomas yet?" And legacy outlets pushed hard for the court to embrace ethics guidelines that the left/press can use to go after the justices. They didn’t care about the issue until conservatives took over. 

5. "Libs of TikTok" creator Chaya Raichik 

If the legacy press didn’t hate so many other people, Raichik would be a hands-down winner. She has been a major force changing the national narrative on trans insanity and woke education, simply by reposting outlandish things leftists really say. 

Raichik ran her account privately until Washington Post activist Taylor Lorenz went after her in an April, 2022, piece. "I have remained anonymous until my account was doxxed," said Raichik. Lorenz accused Raichik of "often including incendiary framing designed to generate outrage." Apparently, Lorenz never reads anything she writes herself. (And who could blame her.) 


Since then Slate referred to, "The Hate-Fueled and Hugely Influential World of Libs of TikTok," and NBC News ran an unhinged opinion piece by Hofstra University Professor Kara Alaimo that admitted "Doxxing can be dangerous — or even deadly" and then defended it. "But there’s no justifiable reason to protect the identity of someone like Raichik on social media so she can spread this kind of intolerance with impunity." 

You gotta love it.


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