Tucker: Trump criticized for not being war-hungry
President Trump met with criticism after calling of retaliatory attack on Iran for downed drone.
The Trump administration was very close to launching major military strikes on the nation of Iran last week. At the very last minute though, the president pulled back, and thank goodness he did.
Instead of being praised for the best decisions he has made so far as president, Trump has come under attack for that. On the right, radio show host, Hugh Hewitt accused the president of being a weakling for not launching a trillion-dollar war over a broken robot.
Hugh Hewitt, radio show host: Let's go to what the president did yesterday. I've been very critical of it this morning. I call it a U- turn, the red line reduxed.
Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.: I think that it's very important for all of our decision makers to recognize that weakness is provocative and that, you know, a world in which the response to attacks on American assets is to pull back or to accept the attack is a world in which America won't be able to successfully defend our interests.
So Iran is going to invade New Jersey because we haven't started a war with them. All right.
Democratic presidential candidates, meanwhile, have denounced the president also -- hard to see how, but they have. Try to follow the reasoning.
Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J.: From the very beginning of his presidency, taking a belligerent course of escalation of provocation with Iran. I mean, we pulled out of an anti-nuclear deal. They gave us complete transparency into their nuclear program.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.: It's like somebody setting a fire to a basket full of paper and then putting it out. He helped create the crisis and then he stopped the attacks.
Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.: There is no question in my mind that the current occupant of the White House, President Trump put in place a series of events that led to that event.
Instead of being praised for the best decisions he has made so far as president, Trump has come under attack for that. On the right, radio show host, Hugh Hewitt accused the president of being a weakling for not launching a trillion-dollar war over a broken robot.
That's Kamala Harris's position, if you can understand what it is. She can't.
So, it isn't Trump who is eager to start a war with a country after country. It's the rest of official Washington, obviously, starting with National Security Adviser John Bolton. The president himself pointed that out, believe it or not, on "Meet the Press" over the weekend.
Trump: I have two groups of people. I have doves, and I have hawks.
Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press": Yes, you have some serious hawks.
Trump: I have some hawks. Oh, yes, John Bolton is absolutely a hawk. If it was up to him, he would take on the whole world at one time, okay.
Presidents aren't typically that straightforward and honest. "He is a liar," critics have said.
Well, okay. He was certainly honest there.
Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on June 24, 2019.