
The Democratic Party is a diverse coalition, as they themselves will relentlessly tell you. But diversity doesn’t mean Democrats are united.

Increasingly, it means a party defined by identity politics, and that means conflict. In the Democratic Party, skin color matters above all. Some colors are good. Some colors are bad. Your worth as a person depends on what you look like, as people on cable news will tell you:

Symone Sanders, former national press secretary for Sen. Bernie Sanders' 2016 campaign: In my opinion, we don't need white people leading the Democratic Party right now. The Democratic Party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in leadership and throughout the staff, at the highest levels.


Harry Enten, CNN analyst: I will point out, though, another white male ... I'm very suspect of that. This year, going into a Democratic primary, with women doing well in the African-American base of the Democratic Party, I'm not sure it's the time to nominate a white man. 

David Gregory, CNN: Joe Biden understands that this modern Democratic Party is going to sit back and say, "Really? We want a 76-year-old white man?”

This is propaganda. America is not a racist country. America elected Barack Obama -- twice. Overwhelmingly. Americans believe our national identity is not defined by skin color, thank God. Americans believe that people deserve equal opportunity and equal treatment, regardless of what they look like.


The old Democratic Party claimed to believe all that, too. No longer. In the new Democratic Party, race means everything. During last week’s Democratic debates, each candidate took a turn denouncing America as immoral and bigoted.

Pete Buttigieg is the mayor of South Bend, Ind. He knows that police in his city are doing their best to keep citizens safe. But saying that won’t get him the Democratic nomination. So on Thursday, Buttigieg attacked his own police department and his own city, as racist.

"This is an issue that is facing our community and so many communities around the country," he said. "And until we move policing out from the shadow of systemic racism, whatever this particular incident teaches us, we will be left with the bigger problem of the fact that there is a wall of mistrust put up, one racist act at a time. Not just from what's happened in the past, but from what's happening around the country in the present."


And so it went. When they weren’t promising to give America’s wealth to the rest of the world, Democrats attacked each other as bigots. Sen. Kamala Harris clearly believes she can become president by calling other people racist. She began with Joe Biden:

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif: I'm going to now direct this at Vice President Biden. I do not believe you are a racist, but you also worked with them to oppose busing. And, you know, there was a little girl in California, who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me. 

Oh barf. So, Kamala Harris is saying if you oppose busing — an insane and destructive policy that most black people say they hate — you’re a racist. That’s Kamala Harris’ position. Over on MSNBC, the guiltiest anchor on television cringed with self-loathing. What a good person you are, he said to Harris. You have every right to hate people like me for the way we look.

This is the modern Democratic party: All race, all the time. Americans don’t want this. They’re not racially-obsessed unlike the buffoons running for office and most other cable news shows. They care about jobs, security and fairness.

Chris Matthews, MSNBC host: This is really important to people of all backgrounds and ethnicities -- I don’t like the word race. How did you come out of that and not have hatred toward white people generally?

How destructive. This is the modern Democratic Party: All race, all the time. Americans don’t want this. They’re not racially-obsessed unlike the buffoons running for office and most other cable news shows. They care about jobs, security and fairness. The press insists on pitting black against white, Kamala Harris versus Joe Biden.  But real life is far more complicated than that.

For example, Biden’s strongest constituency is black voters. Harris’ base, meanwhile, is young, educated white liberals. In fact, many black voters appear skeptical of Harris. One recently tweeted that Harris’ life story doesn’t bear much resemblance to that of most African Americans, since her parents were from India and Jamaica. Donald Trump Jr. retweeted that observation. For that, CNN denounced him as a terrifying racist.

But wait. It turns out that no less an authority than "Don L’mon" (Don Lemon) of CNN said virtually the exact same thing just a few months ago. Watch and decide for yourself if Mr. L’Mon is also an anti-black racist. This tape has been floating around Washington for months and apparently Mr. L'mon is calling other anchors, even on other stations and asking them not to play it because he's embarrassed by it.

Don Lemon, CNN anchor: The people who are saying is she black enough, that’s bull. That’s B.S. But to want the distinction to say is she African-American, or is she black, or is she whatever. There’s nothing wrong with that ... All she had to do was say, I’m black, but I’m not African-American. That’s it.

April Ryan, White House correspondent: When she goes down her lineage --  many Africans landed in Jamaica and all these other Caribbean islands. So she could indeed be African-American.

Lemon: Jamaica is not America. Jamaica did not come out of Jim Crow. I’m just saying.

My gosh, this is all so tiresome and such a distraction from things that actually matter, like jobs, life expectancy and the list goes on. Don L’mon says Kamala Harris is not an African-American. But it’s not racist, because Don "L’Mon" is a Democratic voter.

That’s the logic of identity politics. Democrats think they’ll get elected on it. They don’t seem to understand that the rest of the country finds it stupid and repugnant.

Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on July 2, 2019.