Tucker Carlson: The left doesn't think MS-13 is a problem because Trump thinks they're 'animals'

Ariana Funes-Diaz's death at the hands of two MS-13 gang members could easily have been prevented. It wasn't an act of God or some freak accident. It wasn't even a random crime, the kind that inevitably occurs in a country as big as ours is.

No, her death was the product of a deliberate policy. Our leadership class has decided to downplay the threat of MS-13. Why? Because Trump attacked MS-13. Therefore, in the demented zero-sum calculation of permanent Washington, MS-13 must be virtuous. The enemy of Donald Trump must be my friend. That's how they think.

It all started almost exactly a year ago when the president said, "So when the MS-13 comes in, when the other gang members come into our country, I referred to them as animals. And guess what? I always will."


Keep in mind, MS-13's motto is "kill, rape, control." They routinely torture and murder high school students. They bring drugs across the border and into our neighborhoods. They're the deadliest criminal gang in America. And yet, once Trump attacked them, the left decided that worrying about MS-13 was a greater threat to our values than the gang itself. Anyone who criticized MS-13 was denounced as racist, if not a tool of Putin. They said as much out loud, including on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

The traditional Democratic Party, the one that represented blue-collar America, would have been baffled by this. Working class people of all colors are always the biggest victims of crime. If you want to protect them, don't side with criminals. That was something that Democrats, including the young Joe Biden, once understood intuitively, but no longer.

Criticizing MS-13 would mean asking questions about the Democratic Oarty's orthodoxy on immigration. It would expose Nancy Pelosi's absurd lie that every single immigrant is impressive and must be allowed to stay in the country, no questions asked. Nobody in the left wants to talk about any of this. So instead, they just defend MS-13

Today, criticizing MS-13 would mean asking questions about the party's orthodoxy on immigration. It would expose Nancy Pelosi's absurd lie that every single immigrant is impressive and must be allowed to stay in the country, no questions asked. Nobody in the left wants to talk about any of this. So instead, they just defend MS-13.


"I do think there's a serious problem with the president dehumanizing any group of people in the United States, even if they are hardened criminals," said Jamelle Bouie, chief political correspondent for Slate magazine.

Got that? Saying rude things about MS-13 is a "serious problem," unlike, say, abortion up to the moment of birth, which is liberation and not a problem at all. That's Nancy Pelosi position. Pelosi considers late-term abortion as wholesome as a Fourth of July picnic. But criticize a Central American gang member with a face tattoo, and she will give you a long lecture about God.

"We're all God's children," she has said. "There is a spark of divinity in every person on Earth. And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, 'These aren't people, these are animals,' you have to wonder, does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? Every day that you think you've seen it all, along comes another manifestation of why their policies are so inhumane."


That's today's lecture on Christianity from Nancy Pelosi. The media, of course, dutifully amplified Pelosi's message. She's their boss; that's their job. Vox.com produced an entire video designed to explain that, actually, MS-13 members are just like your kids.

When the revolution finally ends -- when this era, this moment, whatever we're in right now -- when it finally ends, that video from Vox.com will be worth watching. It will be a period piece. We're going to look at that and say, "It's hard to believe that that's real."

But it is real. That kind of propaganda, where powerful people are lying right to your face again and again and again, it happens a lot. And it would be pretty funny, actually, if the stakes were lower.

But they're not low, they're high. The left defends MS-13 because they can't acknowledge a downside to the open borders they've given us. Once we start talking about all of this, who knows where it might end? So instead, they lecture us about dignity while high school kids get murdered. And for them, that's a small price to pay.

Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on May 23, 2019.

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