After almost 200 years, the Democrats were a political party with conventional political goals. That's no longer true. The Democratic Party is now a religious cult, with all that implies. Dissent has been banned. Anyone who questions the party's leftward fringe is denounced as a racist heretic.

The party has descended into a purity spiral, and nobody is safe, not even the party's own leaders. Take Nancy Pelosi, for example. She is the most left-wing Speaker of the House in the history of the United States. She has been a fire-breathing liberal for longer than, I don't know, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been alive.

But none of that has been enough to save her. Ocasio-Cortez and a tiny group of House freshmen demand explicit socialism in this country right now. They want to open the borders, empty the prisons and take over the entire U.S. economy in the name of fighting climate change.


Now, Pelosi may agree with these goals, but she has contempt for their total ignorance of how laws are made. They're against the democratic system itself, and Pelosi has expressed that contempt repeatedly in public.

Lesley Stahl, "60 Minutes": You have these wings, AOC and her group on one side.  

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: That's like five people. 

So, for saying things like that, Pelosi is facing a revolt from within the Democratic Party. She's being denounced. Guess what they're calling her? You know ... a racist.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib explains that Pelosi is oppressing people of color:

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.: More people like us -- people of color -- have been missing in the [House] chamber, because most of us -- and Ayanna Pressley says it more beautifully -- people that are closest to the pain need to be at the table making these decisions. Guess what? We know what it feels like to be dehumanized. We know what it feels like to be brown and black in this country. 

Martha Raddatz, ABC News: What would you say to Nancy Pelosi? What would you say directly to Nancy Pelosi?

Tlaib: Uplift the women, especially the women of color, within your caucus that are out there. Because I'll tell you, more people like us, more people like me, that come out to vote [means] we win. All of us win. 


"Give us power because of our skin color." That's the argument Tlaib is making. Many make that argument; Ocasio-Cortez made the very same case during her Democratic primary campaign last year.

By definition, it is a racist pitch. It's every bit as repugnant as a white candidate making the same appeal. And many Democrats did make that appeal -- that racial appeal -- under Jim Crow. "Vote for me because of my race." It's disgusting. But it's everywhere now, and Democrats applaud it.

On Sunday, for example, former Obama spokesman Brian Fallon tweeted, Ocasio-Cortez and her faction provide "the vision and moral center of today's Democratic Party." That's a view that is widely shared, and it is bad news for people like Joe Biden.

Like Pelosi, Biden has dedicated his entire life to the Democratic Party. As Pelosi has, Biden has dutifully moved left with the party over the years and hasn't complained about it. He is currently running on, for example, free health care for illegal aliens.


But none of it has been enough. People like Joe Biden are the past in the Democratic Party. And like so many others he is being denounced as -- wait for it - a racist.

It's over for Joe Biden -- a bitter end to what might have been a decent political career. Only he seems to be unaware of that. On Saturday, Biden groveled one last time in a doomed effort to save himself.

Joe Biden, 2020 presidential candidate: Now was I wrong a few weeks ago, to somehow give the impression to people that I was praising those men who I successfully opposed time and again? Yes, I was. I regret it. I'm sorry for your pain or misconception they may have caused anybody. 

Afterward, Biden said, "That's why I chose here in South Carolina and chose an audience that in fact is -- would be -- the most likely to have been offended by anything that was said." But it's pointless for Biden. It's spitting in the wind. To the Democratic Party, remorse is a sign of weakness, and the weak are eaten.

The Democratic Party demands absolute perfect fidelity at all times. Anyone who fails to measure up is finished forever.  Now, that attitude is an effective way to terrify weak people and keep public figures in line. Will it work on the country?

Shortly after Biden spoke those words, Michelle Obama was asked her view. Now, a decent person might have said a kind word about her old friend, Joe. He was the man, after all, who helped make her husband president and served under him for eight years.

But that's not what Michelle Obama did.

Gayle King: What, if anything, would you like to say about the Kamala-Biden dust-up? He apologized today. You've been following that. Do you have any thoughts about that? 

Michelle Obama, former first lady: I do not. 

King: Okay. Let me ask you this. Moving on. Moving on. 

Obama: I've been doing this rodeo far too long. 

King: Yes, moving on. Moving on. 

Obama: Like, no comment. 

"Moving on. No comment." Joe Biden not worth defending. He's over, just like Thomas Jefferson and Betsy Ross and all kinds of other people who aren't absolutely aligned with the modern "woke" left.

The Democratic Party demands absolute perfect fidelity at all times. Anyone who fails to measure up is finished forever. Now, that attitude is an effective way to terrify weak people and keep public figures in line. But the question electorally is, will it work on the country?

Normal Americans know they're not racist. They don't think their neighbors and friends are racist, either. They don't care about that. They care about their jobs, their safety, their families, their country. For years, they've watched in despair as both major parties drifted away from those concerns.

They took a chance electing Donald Trump because he seemed willing to put the basics first. Will they re-elect him is the question.

If Democrats continue to act like this, absolutely, they will.

Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on July 8, 2019.