Tucker Carlson: Democrats say border walls are immoral, don't work. What about Israel?

President Trump has decided that the Republican Congress, during its final weeks in office, should fund a wall along our southern border with Mexico. It’s not a new idea, obviously. Trump ran for office three years ago on that very promise. Voters agreed, and they elected him. Now he’s demanding, unequivocally, that the wall finally get built.

At the same time, mand this is not a coincidence, the American news media has identified the single most racist idea anyone has every thought of in the history of America: Building a wall along our southern border with Mexico.

"The President went to the heart of what I call his "brown menace theory," saying these migrants, they're dirty people, they bring disease ," said CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

"Donald Trump is fixated on the southern border, as he was the day that he announced his campaign," said political commentator Angela Rye on CNN. "It is not about securing the borders. It is about xenophobic, racist, bigoted beliefs."

So, it’s pretty clear: Border walls are racist. Unlike border fences. Border fences are not racist. They’re much easier to climb over. That’s why Democrats have repeatedly voted to fund them. You can have lots of border fences and still wind up with 22 million illegal aliens living in your country. We’ve proved that conclusively over the years.

Fences are the perfect solution if you’re trying to pretend you care about border security, while simultaneously encouraging much of the third world to move here without permission. Fences are awesome for that. Yay, fences!

But walls? As Nancy Pelosi has explained, walls are immoral. According to CNN, walls are nothing less than an attack on the human heart.

"A wall won't solve it. All that he's doing is putting up walls around people's hearts," Rye said.

"Don’t waste millions of dollars in taxpayer money for something that will not make us more secure," said U.S. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.

And that’s the other point Democrats keep making. Walls don’t work. They’re totally ineffective. Except in prisons. And the Vatican. And outside Barack Obama’s house in Washington. And in almost every upper-income neighborhood in America, where walls surround the front lawns of the homes where Hillary Clinton and Beto O’Rourke hold their fundraisers.

So, it’s pretty clear: Border walls are racist. Unlike border fences. Border fences are not racist. They’re much easier to climb over. That’s why Democrats have repeatedly voted to fund them. You can have lots of border fences and still wind up with 22 million illegal aliens living in your country.

But along international borders, walls are useless. A border wall would simply create a thriving new market in taller ladders. Jeb Bush used to say that all the time. Everyone in power agrees with him. They’re nodding vigorously from their gated communities:

A politicians like Chuck Schumer cite experts and say we can do border security without a wall. It’s wasteful. Walls won’t solve the problem. All the experts agree on this. They have briefed Chuck Schumer on that, and he’s passing on the news to us. OK.

Before we accept Schumer’s claim as fact, let's ask one question: What about Israel?

Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East. It’s the recipient of our largest foreign aid package by far. Pretty much everybody in Congress, on both sides, supports Israel, or claims to. Many of them are vocal about it, including Schumer. And yet here’s the funny thing: Israel has plenty of walls, and not just the famous one that people pray at. Israel has border walls, some of them tall and foreboding and made of steel.

Are Israel’s walls immoral? By Nancy Pelosi’s standards, why wouldn’t they be? It’s an obvious question, and we’ve asked it of Democrats repeatedly on "Tucker Carlson Tonight." Every single time, we get the very same answer: Israel’s walls have nothing to do with immigration. They’re defensive walls, designed to keep out terrorists and suicide bombers. There’s no comparison between Israel walls and anything Trump is proposing. Apples and oranges.

It’s an effective talking point. That’s why every Democrat repeats it. But is it actually true?

Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue from "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on December 12, 2018.

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