Trump haters flipping their lids over MAGA hats

It’s not enough that members of the anti-Trump politically correct culture have attempted to define what we think, say and believe. Now they want to dictate what we can wear.

The latest target of their fury quite literally has them seeing red – the Make America Great Again baseball cap created by the Donald Trump presidential campaign in 2016 and still for sale on the website of the Trump Make America Great Committee.

Washington Post fashion critic Robin Givhan wrote in a recent column that “to deny the hat’s message is to be in denial.”


Actually, the message of the caps is really pretty straightforward. The Make America Great Again slogan was at the center of an entire presidential campaign, complete with TV ads, rallies and shirts.

However, now the folks with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome think they get to redefine the meaning of Make America Great Again because they don’t like the guy in the White House. They are fully prepared to intimidate, shame and bully anyone brazen enough wear the hat.

Givhan throws around the predictable trigger words we’ve come to expect from the left to describe what the hats really signify – “hate,” “white male privilege” and “an angry roar.”

However, now the folks with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome think they get to redefine the meaning of Make America Great Again because they don’t like the guy in the White House.

To wear a MAGA hat is to wrap oneself in a Confederate flag,” Givhan writes. In other words, you’re a racist if you embrace the slogan Make America Great Again.

Givhan is not alone. When students from Covington High School in Kentucky were recently falsely accused of harassing Native American Nathan Phillips at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, the focus flipped to the MAGA hat that student Nick Sandmann was wearing.

Sandmann was accused by Trump haters of provoking and insulting African-Americans because he wore the hat.

What makes the argument so utterly absurd is that the hat the critics are angry about was produced by supporters of a president whose policies have achieved the lowest unemployment rate in history for African-Americans and Latinos, and the lowest in decades for women.

A true racist doesn’t want racial minorities living the American Dream and would have done everything in his or her power to make sure that never happened. President Trump celebrates how African-Americans, Latinos, women and all Americans are enjoying more prosperity than at any time in recent memory.

The hat’s only fault is its flattened brim that looks like it was leveled – a cringe-worthy and unfortunate fashion mishap for sure that could easily be addressed by bending its brim. That makes the hat awkward, but it doesn’t make it racist or a “provocation” as Givhan and others have called it.

If you’re someone who is so easily provoked by a hat on someone else’s head, then there’s really not much that won’t trigger you.

Conservatives had “hope and change” shoved down our throats ad nauseam for the eight years President Obama sat in the Oval Office. When it was all said and done we were all hoping things would change – namely all of the Obama policies that left us with less money in our pockets, further in debt as a country, and not being able to keep the doctor we liked after all.

Oh, and race relations were far worse when Obama was in office.

We ignored the Obama slogan and went about our lives. Then in 2016 we, and millions of other Americans, decided we wanted a different kind of hope and change.


Now the progressive PC cops have launched a marketing campaign to tell freedom-loving Trump supporters what we “really” mean when we wear that red hat with the unfortunate brim. The not-so-tolerant left strikes again. It’s just another way for them to silence what they don’t like.

They’re not just trying to rebrand a hat – they’re trying to redefine the people who wear it. They only succeed if you let yourself be intimidated, accept their stigma and hang up your hat.


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