Mike Huckabee: Judge Trump and Biden by their actions on law and order — not their words

Biden's feeble and fearful condemnation of leftist violence is no substitute for offering real solutions to restore the rule of law

When it comes to the all-important matter of law and order, don't simply judge President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden by their words — judge them by their actions. 

Any high-profile politician worth his or her salt is capable and well-versed in the art of selling a utopian vision to the voting public. Meaningless platitudes and vague promises of a better future are hallmarks of American politics, and that has contributed to immense distrust of the political elite in Washington, especially in recent years.

That cynical impression is reinforced by the fact that very few elected officials actually follow through on their grandiose promises. In fact, they far too often end up doing exactly the opposite of what they said they would do. 


For the past four months, Democrats and the liberal media have fully embraced and energetically promoted the radical Black Lives Matter organization, refusing to condemn the violent riots that have plagued many of America’s largest cities.

Determined to protect the most visible activists from scrutiny, left-leaning media outlets have absurdly described the widespread rioting and looting as “mostly peaceful” protests. Right. And the Hindenburg was mostly a safe landing and D-Day was mostly a nice day at the beach.

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However, recent polls showing the rioting is unpopular have managed to pressure the Democrats to change their tune. They now want the American public to believe they will keep our communities safe from lawlessness if we hand them the White House this November.

“Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters?” former Vice President Biden asked during a high-profile address this week intended to dispel concerns that he is in league with violent extremist groups.

Other Democrats have issued similar remarks in recent days, as well, downplaying their party’s extensive ties to the leftist mobs that are burning churches, attacking public property, and looting businesses across America. 

Let’s be clear about something important: If the Democrats truly want to repudiate their anti-American alliance with the far left, I would be the first to praise their newfound patriotism.

For years, I have criticized the Democrats for refusing to support the brave men and women of law enforcement who keep our communities safe, and for empowering radical anarchists and others who seek to annihilate Western society.

For this reason, I would wholeheartedly welcome the Democratic Party’s decision to finally defend law and order — but only if Democrats are willing to back up that change of heart with action. But they aren’t.

Sadly, the Democrats’ last-minute pivot on law and order is merely intended to change optics and poll results, not deliver results.

Not a single Democratic politician has offered tangible solutions to the ongoing wave of violence in Democratic-run cities, or even urged state and local officials to accept assistance from the federal government. 

In fact, when Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., laid out specific reforms for policing in the U.S., Democrats didn’t just take a knee — they took a hike!

Luckily, President Trump is a proven leader who does whatever it takes to keep his promises — and his stance on law and order is no different. 

“If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them,” the commander in chief said in June, just days after the first eruptions of violence in cities across the country.

Unlike the Democrats, the president meant every word of what he said about safeguarding American communities. In the following months, he continued to implore local authorities to take control of their streets, and has repeatedly deployed the National Guard and federal law enforcement assets to restore order. 

Most recently, the president sent officers to help pacify the city of Kenosha, Wis., which became the latest target of organized leftist violence after a police officer shot a Black man who had allegedly resisted arrest in the back seven times, leaving him paralyzed below the waist.

Long before the facts about the incident were known, far-left activists descended upon the normally quiet city, destroying local businesses, burning countless cars, and even vandalizing Kenosha’s Dinosaur Discovery Museum (for reasons that will probably never be clear).


President Trump did more than just condemn the rioters and offer condolences to the victims — he took decisive action to put an end to the orgy of destruction.

“My administration coordinated with the state and local authorities, to very, very swiftly deploy the National Guard … to Kenosha and stop the violence,” the president said during his visit to the city Tuesday. 

Biden, on the other hand, only belatedly condemned the violence in a transparent act of self-preservation.


Meanwhile, neither Biden nor his running mate — Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif. – have disavowed the members of his campaign staff who donated to a fund created to bail out rioters arrested in Minneapolis at the start of this summer’s unrest.

Actions speak louder than words — and Biden's feeble and fearful condemnation of leftist violence is no substitute for offering real solutions to restore the rule of law in our neighborhoods. 


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