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Illegal immigrants are bum-rushing our borders in unprecedented numbers and the Democrats don’t see the crisis. Why? Because they see an opportunity.

Hi, I’m Tomi and you know I have some “Final Thoughts.”

Here are some fun numbers to share. And no, these aren’t an April Fool’s Joke. I wish they were.

Last week Customs and Border Protection recorded over 3,700 apprehensions in a SINGLE DAY.


Here is the Commissioner of CBP briefing the country from one of the largest crisis areas - El Paso, Texas:

"CBP is facing an unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis all along our Southwest border. And nowhere has that crisis manifested more acutely than here in El Paso. On Monday and Tuesday, CBP started the day with over 12,000 migrants in our custody. As of this morning, that number was 13,400. A high number for us is 4,000. A crisis level is 6,000. 13,000 is unprecedented."

"On Monday, we saw the highest total of apprehensions and encounters in over a decade, with 4,000 migrants either apprehended or encountered at Ports of Entry in a single day. That was Monday. Yesterday, we broke the record again with 4,117. We are now on pace for over 100,000 apprehensions and encounters with migrants in March, with 90 percent of those, 90 thousand people, crossing the border illegally between Ports of Entry. March will be the highest month since 2008. The arriving flows are made up primarily of Central American families and unaccompanied children.”

Did you hear that? Over 100,000 apprehensions and encounters in the month of March- the highest month since 2008.

And what are these giant groups made up of? Family units and unaccompanied minors.

Why? Because they know the game. They are very well aware of the game and they are exploiting it.

You heard the commissioner - 90 percent of the apprehensions this month were NOT at our ports of entry - they were illegal crossings BETWEEN PORTS OF ENTRY.

So when you hear Nancy Pelosi, any Democrat or RINO insist we don’t need a wall or physical barrier, you remind them exactly what the real issue is: 55,000 family units alone in the month of March.

Again, why? Because they know full well they can take advantage of our immigration law, the country, and the American people.

They know full well there isn’t enough space or enough beds in detention and processing centers for them.

And don’t forget, many Democrats are FOR drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants, but AGAINST voter ID laws. 

The Democrats know it too. In fact, the Democrats pushed for that. Remember?

That was part of their deal memo during the government shutdown - a cap on the number of beds.


Well, when these illegal immigrants are detained they are supposed to be transferred to a detention facility BUT if there aren’t enough beds available, what happens? They get a “notice to appear” which in reality is a “notice to disappear.”

So it doesn’t take a genius to figure out if they rush the country in huge numbers, we won’t have enough space and they will be released into our country – regardless of the merit of their asylum or immigration claim – to live in the shadows, have babies, and become faithful new Democratic supporters.

According to the CBP Commissioner, around 40,000 children will come into CBP custody this month alone. Some of these children are used as smuggling pawns or at the very least sympathy tools.

And the Democrats don’t see a crisis? Bull. They see exactly what’s happening, they just don’t care.

They cheer it on. They applaud it. They might play dumb but they know exactly what they’re doing. The more illegal immigrants they can pack into this country, the more dependents they have.

Oh, and now they want to eliminate the electoral college. Why? Illegal immigrants packed into traditionally blue border states provide a lot of votes for them.

Why do I think they want illegals to vote? Well, there’s this:

Fox News headline: “House Dems overwhelmingly reject motion to condemn illegal immigrant voting.”

And don’t forget, many Democrats are FOR drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants, but AGAINST voter ID laws.

Guess what, here in California when you get a driver’s license you also get a convenient opportunity to get on the voter rolls.

But there’s no way California would allow that to slip through the cracks, right?

Washington Times headline: “California DMV admits that non-citizens are registered to vote.

LA Times headline: “More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV.”

Oh, but they say it was just a “processing error” and “no illegal immigrants were mistakenly registered.” Sure. If you believe that I’ve got a nice piece of swampland in Florida to sell ya!

Bottom line is this: the Democrats are not humanitarians. They are opportunists.

You want to live in this country, do it the right way. If not, stay the hell out.

Those are my "Final Thoughts." From Los Angeles., God bless and take care.

Adapted from Tomi Lahren's "First Thoughts" on Fox Nation on April 1, 2019.

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