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I was raised to support law enforcement. Not because I’m white, or conservative but because I’m an American.

Hi, I’m Tomi and I have some "First Thoughts."

This past weekend in Salt Lake City, Utah I was honored to speak at my second Black and Blue Ball for the Concerns of Police Survivors “COPS” organization.


If it’s not obvious by the title, this event and fundraiser was held to honor the families, friends, and partners of our fallen law enforcement officers.

Now, you’d think people, all people, would show a little respect for an event like that but sadly here we are in 2019, and that’s not the case.

Outside of the venue, Black Lives Matter protesters showed up to heckle attendees and the whole spirit of the evening.

I’m sure many were there simply because they think they hate me, but that’s not the point. I’m used to being protested. It doesn’t bother me.

What bothers me is when people stand outside of an event honoring fallen law enforcement with “Black Lives Matter” signs and disrespect those family members who came to memorialize and celebrate the lives of their loved ones – loved ones who put it all on the line and paid the ultimate price to keep their community safer.

That’s what really disgusts me.

Maybe if those protesters had a widow who lost her husband two months ago in the line of duty cry on their shoulder, like she cried on mine, they would get it and show some respect.

But the infantile and classless actions of the protesters weren’t the only thing that bothered me that night.

At my table was the high school daughter of not only an officer but a member of the Fraternal Order of Police. She told me her high school teachers routinely attack and degrade cops in their teachings. One even used a Martin Luther King Jr. speech to teach her class that police are hateful and they haven’t changed.

Listen, I’m only 26 and I had my fair share of Liberal teachers and professors but it’s gotten so much worse, even since I finished school.

We, as law enforcement-respecting and America-loving patriots, need to stand up and make a change.

We need to not only teach our children to respect law enforcement but be able to stand up to those who degrade and demean them. Most kids – middle school, high school, and even college are not confident enough to speak up. Heck, even the children of police officers are too afraid of backlash to stand up for their own mothers and fathers.

Yet, those who hate and insult law enforcement feel perfectly comfortable attacking and degrading law enforcement in front of their classes, peers, the media, and the general public.

Why is that?

Why have we allowed our voice to be so drowned out we are afraid to even stand up for the men and women who stand up, and often in front of, us?

Another mother told me her daughter is in the process of competing for Miss Utah. She’s a cop’s daughter and her platform is law enforcement awareness. Her fellow competitors constantly tell her it’s a bad idea and she’ll never make it with that platform.

Isn’t that disheartening? That we’ve gotten to that point where support for law enforcement carries the possibility of making someone a social pariah?

We’ve got to change this. And we can.

Listen, I’ve always had love and respect for law enforcement. Not because my parents or family members are in it – they aren’t.  Rather, because my parents taught me to respect and admire those who are willing to sacrifice and even die to protect strangers like me and you.


This shouldn’t be a conservative message. This should be an American lesson. Let’s make sure it is one, again.

Those are my "First Thoughts." From LA, God bless law enforcement and God bless you.

Adapted from Tomi Lahren's "First Thoughts" monologue on Fox Nation, March 12, 2019.