Tomi Lahren: Free speech isn't just saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to hear

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President Trump has signed an executive order to protect free speech on college campuses. I like it, but it’s truly sad it had to come to this.

It’s time for “Final Thoughts

Yes, another promise made by President Trump is kept.

Thursday our president signed an executive order designed to protect and promote free speech on college campuses -- threatening to pull federal research funding if colleges don’t play ball.

He said, "Under the guise of speech codes, safe spaces and trigger warnings, these universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans like those here today."

I couldn’t agree more and I’m glad Trump is using his bully pulpit to push back on the college liberal indoctrination disease.


Quite frankly, it needed to be done. I am saddened it took government intervention to make it happen.

It shouldn’t be that way. College kids and their school administrators shouldn’t be so fragile, so delicate, so close-minded an executive order is necessary to stop the madness.

It's sad to think some college-age students are signing up to fight for our country in the U.S. military and meanwhile, others are sitting on their precious California campuses whining about Ann Coulter and others. 

How did we get here? There have always been liberals, conservatives and competing ideas in this country -- that’s part of what makes it so great.

When then, are we at the point where safe spaces, trigger warnings, cry-ins, and screaming at the sky are the new norm?

All for what? Because Trump won the election? All because conservative college groups invite speakers?

Remember the violent ruckus when Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak at UC Berkeley two years ago?

This, from the same people who claim to be all about tolerance, peace, and love?

Seriously, UC Berkeley? Your campus used to be a home for free speech, especially political speech, but now your administration and leftist students are so delicate you have to shield your students from free speech? Ironic isn't it?

You claim our president -- and yes, he is your president, too, and those who support him are so reprehensible you have to threaten violence and destruction when a conservative speaker comes to campus?

Trump is a meanie so you have to beat up anyone who disagrees? Or smash and burn your own campus? Not smart.

It's sad to think some college-age students are signing up to fight for our country in the U.S. military and meanwhile, others are sitting on their precious California campuses whining about Ann Coulter and others.

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

Our service members and law enforcement officers put their lives on the line to protect and defend free speech and the American way of life and meanwhile some are marching around in black outfits or pink hats crying about how words hurt. Pathetic.

You know free speech isn't just saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to hear and that includes conservative opinions too. Sorry.

And let's not forget, no one forced these students to go listen to these conservative speakers. It didn't cost them anything. They aren’t losing college credits or hurting their grades by not going.

So people you don't like are coming to your campus to say things you don't like? Suck it up.

Conservative students have to listen to liberal garbage from professors every day and yes, they are required to be there for that!

College campuses are the least diverse places in the country because diversity of thought isn't a protected class.

Over the course of your lives, you're gonna have to hear things you don't want to hear from folks you may not like. Get used to it.

You're not that special. And if you can't be around people you don't like saying things you don't like, you can't go around creating mass chaos and physically attacking people because you think words hurt.

Grow up. Get over yourselves and develop a thicker skin.


You might learn something more valuable than your professors can teach you.

Those are my “Final Thoughts.” From Los Angeles, God bless and take care.

Adapted from Tomi Lahren's Final Thoughts on Fox Nation on March 22, 2019.

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