Tomi Lahren: California is the Golden State of Homelessness and climate change activists just don't get it

Here’s a headline for you: California climate change activists superglue themselves to the globe at Universal Studios.

You know I have some thoughts on this.

The headline is true. On Earth Day, members of a radical climate change rebellion group managed to scale the iconic globe at Universal Studios in Hollywood and apparently superglued themselves to the structure.

Why? For attention, duh.


The group, Extinction Rebellion LA, sent a list of demands to NBC, urging the network to take action on the climate crisis with the following proposals:

1.That NBC/Universal declares that we are indeed in a Climate and Ecological Emergency -- that the extinction of the natural world is happening, that we are facing the collapse of civilization.

2. That NBC/Universal will tell the whole truth about our climate and ecological emergency, including the failure of the U.S. government to respond with appropriate action/preparedness planning until now.

3.That NBC reject all advertising from fossil fuel corporations, agrees to be zero-carbon by 2025, and publish a public, annual eco-audit of all NBC/Universal operations, including summary of key ecological and carbon data.

4. That NBC ONLY permit think-tank spokespersons or lobbyists on the air to discuss the climate and ecological emergency whose funding is made fully transparent to viewers in each and every case.

Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez set this stunt up? It sure sounds like it.

Maybe instead of supergluing themselves to Hollywood infrastructure, these tree-huggers could use that time to clean up the trash and filth created by this state’s drug and homeless epidemic. That would be a productive use of time.

If they care so much about conservation and the environment, why don’t they superglue themselves to Governor Gavin Newsom's door and demand that HE do something about the thousands of needles littering the streets of San Francisco? Or what about the human feces?

It's not just in San Fran. The problem plagues the entirety of our state from San Francisco to San Diego and everywhere in between.

These climate change groups also conveniently ignore the many third-world style encampments and tent cities scattered throughout our Golden State of Homelessness.

Heck, at the end of last year the Sacramento City Council approved a resolution to dole out $400,000 to hire employees solely for the purpose of cleaning up homeless encampments in California’s capital.

In fact, according to Caltrans -- the California Department of Transportation -- the growing amounts of trash along our freeways can be partly attributed to the homeless encampments.

You think?!

Those are the same encampments that Democrats and climate change warriors in this state -- and across the nation -- conveniently ignore.

So maybe instead of supergluing themselves to Hollywood infrastructure, these tree-huggers could use that time to clean up the trash and filth created by this state’s drug and homeless epidemic. That would be a productive use of time.

But wait, that kind of effort doesn’t get headlines and attention, which is really all these activists are after, right?

They couldn’t care less about the actual environment. They just pull stunts to grandstand and validate their self-importance.

So before they lecture NBC/Universal, or any of us for that matter, on the climate change apocalypse, perhaps they should adopt a highway, adopt some common sense, and adopt a true understanding of what the hell they’re talking about.


I better not see a single one of these protesters arriving or departing from their “activism” in vehicles!

If we are truly facing impending extinction due to global warming, do your part and walk your self-righteous behinds to your protests.

God bless and get a clue.


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