Tomi Lahren: Build the wall by any means

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So let me get this straight: the Democrats in Congress not only don’t want to fund a wall, they also want to prevent the Department of Defense from redirecting their funds to build a wall.

Yet they STILL attempt to fool us into believing they aren’t for open borders and illegal immigration?


Really? Because your actions say, “Come one, come all! Ignore the law, cut in line and barge into our country -- no questions asked!”

I’m so disgusted and it’s time for "First Thoughts."

On Monday night, the Pentagon announced it authorized the transfer of up to $1 billion dollars to the Army Corps of Engineers to build additional barriers along the U.S–Mexico border.

That money would allow construction of about 57 miles of pedestrian fencing, road construction and lighting along stretches of the border in Arizona and Texas.

Ya know, the funding the Democrats and RINOs in Congress wouldn’t allocate because they couldn’t care less about border security or immigration integrity.

The funding President Trump has had to creatively seek out because he DOES care about border security and immigration integrity.

But don’t worry illegal immigrants, the Democrats have your back.

The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Adam Smith, a DEMOCRAT, of course, has denied the request writing in a letter to the DoD, “The committee does not approve the proposed use of Department of Defense funds to construct additional barriers and roads or install lighting in the vicinity of the United States border.”

So what’s next? Well, get ready for a fight!

Again, our president and his administration are gonna have to go to extreme lengths and fight tooth-and-nail to protect our nation and our borders -- something members of Congress SHOULD do but REFUSE to.

Yeah, it would have sure been nice if President Trump wasn’t forced to declare a national emergency to get this done.

Would’ve been ideal if he didn’t have to search high and low for funding.

Would’ve been fantastic if you all would have done YOUR job so he didn’t have to! But yet, here we are.

And to all those folks, mainly on the left, who are trying to make this seem like a Trump slap in the face to the military, don’t start.

I don’t speak for the military at large but I can tell ya this -- those who signed up to protect and defend their country likely want to see it’s borders protected and defended.

Whether it’s illegal immigrants, sex or human trafficked individuals, drugs, or anything else that’s coming across the border -- it needs to stop.

Our service members don’t sacrifice their lives overseas to have their home country invaded -- all while the Democrats sit back and applaud.


Get ready for a fight because a fight is what you’re gonna get!

Those are my "First Thoughts." From Los Angeles, God bless and take care.

Adapted from Tomi Lahren's "First Thoughts" on Fox Nation on March 28, 2019.

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