Texas teens stand up to atheists and defend Christian flag

Students' trucks flying the Christian flag at LaPoynor High School in LaRue, Texas. (Photo courtesy of Danielle Reichert-Davis )

The red, white and blue has flown outside LaPoynor High School in LaRue, Texas for as far back as anyone can remember. 

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But instead of 50 stars on a blue field, this flag bears a cross - a symbol of the Christian faith.

The Christian flag flies alongside the Texas flag and Old Glory.

And that's a big problem for a bunch of out-of-town atheist agitators -- a mighty big problem.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based group of atheists, agnostics and freethinkers, sent a letter to the local school district demanding the flag be removed.

"It is unconstitutional for the school to display the Christian flag," FFRF attorney Sam Grover wrote to Supt. James Young. "The display of this patently religious symbol by the District confers government endorsement of Christianity, in violation of the Establishment Clause."

The perpetually offended atheists told the school district they must be inclusive to minority religions and non-religious people.

"The District must immediately remove the Christian flag from school grounds," Grover wrote. "In addition, the District must ensure that its staff members are not organizing, promoting, or participating in religious events while acting int heir official capacities."

The school superintendent told local news reporters they were reviewing the demand letter - but have yet to make any sort of announcement. Continue reading at ToddStarnes.com.

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