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For the last number of years, I have sat back in shock as the colleges and universities of our nation have gone more and more "Woke" with each passing month.

Shock, not because the far-left professors, administrators, and presidents – who, by blatant and often illegal discrimination against conservatives, Republicans, and people of faith have come to dominate those institutions – but rather because wealthy alumni, local politicians, parents and students have allowed those often-tenured leftists and anarchists to destroy their once great places of higher learning.

For these last few years, I have spoken with various wealthy alumni, local politicians, parents and students and repeated the same message over and over: "You have the power to stop ‘Woke U’ in its tracks right now. Today. Realize it and exercise it."

Woke University illustration

State governors and local politicians should immediately determine which massive tax breaks can be taken away from "Woke U" – and then take them away. (Fox News Digital)

First, with regard to wealthy alumni. They should not only immediately stop giving to the once great school which granted them a diploma, but reach out to other alumni who donate and encourage them to immediately stop giving to "Woke U." As they do so, they should fire off letters to the far-left administrators and presidents of those institutions explaining exactly why they are doing so.  

Next, they should write columns in their local papers – read by parents and students – outlining their rationale for stopping all donations to "Woke U." If the possibly far-left paper in their town won’t print the column, then take out an ad detailing the same explanation.  

Next, they should reach out to alumni at each and every "Woke U" in the nation and share their template. Create a national movement.

Ron Desantis

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed HB 7, known as the Stop Woke Act, in Hialeah Gardens, Florida, in April 2022. (Daniel A. Varela/Miami Herald/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

Second, state governors and local politicians should immediately determine which massive tax breaks can be taken away from "Woke U" and actually… take them away. Nationwide, those tax breaks amount to billions of dollars. Billions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars often being spent to push identity politics, indoctrinate young students, vilify the police and military, and demonize the United States. 

Those billions in tax breaks are the very oxygen that allows the leftist professors, administrators and presidents to attack everything you believe in. Cut it off. The voters gave you the power. Use it.

Third, parents. One of the few benefits of the draconian lockdowns and school closures during the pandemic was that millions of parents suddenly got to see glimpses of the "Woke narrative" far-left elementary and middle-school teachers were continually pushing on their young children as said parents looked over the shoulders of their children at the computer screen’s "virtual classroom." Most were horrified.

Well, what is being pushed in our "Woke" colleges and universities is that on steroids. Why would you willingly pay to have your child indoctrinated and quite possibly, turned against you.

Fourth, we have the students themselves.

Wake up to the reality that your degree from "Woke U" is going to be less than useless in the real world. A real world that is zeroing out more and more career choices via AI and robotics. 


The competition for the careers that will survive the brutal AI and robotics takeover is going to be fierce. Even "Woke employers" – if they hope to stay in business – are going to be forced to take the most "qualified to operate in the real-world" applicants they can. A degree focusing on "Identity politics" and the "Microaggressions of White Supremacists" is not going to get you a job in that real world.

Here is the most important lesson you will ever be taught: Thanks to your degree from "Woke U" you won’t be able to pay the rent, buy a home, buy a car, or put food on your table. Your only option will be to live with your parents… if they will take you back in.

Again, massive red warning light here. AI and robotics are going to exponentially eliminate countless career choices. It is already happening and there is no going back. For you, the student, your only hope is a real degree that can get you a real job in a world where careers are disappearing. 


Think for yourself to protect your future.

So, to conclude our "How to stop Woke U 101" class, wealthy alumni, local politicians, parents and students have always had the power to save their colleges, universities and very futures. They merely have to realize they do have that power and use it. Now.