Hannity: Securing the border is about saving lives
Sean Hannity: And whether or not we secure our border, it does have real life or death consequences. And Dems have politicized our national security.
You witnessed President Trump make a powerful, compelling case for the wall on our southern border. This is a national emergency. The situation is now dire. And whether or not we secure our border, it does have real life or death consequences.
As we've known now in the last two weeks, but also over the past two years, approximately 4,000 criminal aliens have been arrested for homicide, 30,000 for sex crimes, over a 100,000 for violent assaults. These are against American citizens.
In 2018, 17,000 individuals with criminal records were apprehended trying to cross this border, 60,000 inadmissible or illegal immigrants are turned away from our borders every single month. And over the last few weeks 20,000 children were smuggled or trafficked into the United States. Illegal drugs are also pouring across the southern border.
This is about more than just numbers and statistics. It's about human lives - American lives, families that will never see their loved ones again, children who will grow up without fathers and mothers. Parents who are forced to bury their children.
Now, every seven days, 300 Americans die from a heroin overdose. 90 percent of that highly toxic and addictive chemical comes south of the border. Given all these facts, why not give our border patrol the tools they are asking for, that they need, that they desperately call for -- and that is a strategic wall on our southern border.
This is about more than just numbers and statistics. It's about human lives - American lives, families that will never see their loved ones again, children who will grow up without fathers and mothers. Parents who
are forced to bury their children.
Because of the devastation and the senseless impact of uncontrolled borders, even Democrats once fully supported these border walls. In 2006, as I mentioned earlier, Democrats and Republicans, they did come together to fund a partial border wall in a bill called the Secure Fence Act. 64 Democrats in the House voted in favor of the bill. In the Senate, it passed with overwhelming support in both parties.
Chuck Schumer, who says this is a "manufactured crisis," once voted for the wall. Hillary Clinton voted for it. Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein voted for the wall; so did Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
But now that President Trump is in office - well, now the wall is somehow immoral. They are all guilty of some of the single most blatant flip-flops in American political history. The worst part of this is Democrats are politicizing what is our national security.
Adapted from Sean Hannity's monologue from "Hannity" on January 8, 2019.