Sean Hannity: Radical, Socialist 2020 Dems want to centralize power and control our lives

The alarming crop of 2020 Democratic hopefuls is pushing to give 16-year- olds the right to vote, even though you can't drink until you're 21. They're promising to stack the Supreme Court so they get enough justices that think their way and will legislate from the bench. And they're proposing an end to the Electoral College.

This is a scary attempt by politicians to centralize power and control the lives of you - we - the American people. And right now, it is the party line among almost all the radical Democrats running to be president in 2020. It is a blatant, dramatic, frightening attempt to alter America in ways that will make it unrecognizable and forever destroy the greatest economic, wealth creation system in the history of mankind. 

Now, on Tuesday night, during a friendly interview with so-called comedian Jimmy Kimmel, our old friend Sen. Kamala Harris became the latest Democratic candidate to express support for an end to the Electoral College. Senators Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand, and many more Democrats support an end to the constitutional process by which we have always elected the president of the United States. So, why is this a big deal?


When our Constitution was drafted in 1787, the framers of the Constitution sought to rectify what was a very challenging conundrum. How do you create a limited, central government strong enough to defend its people against serious threats, but decentralized enough to prevent consolidation and subsequent abuse of power? 

The result was a Constitution filled with checks, balances, and shared power between the individual states and the federal government. The Electoral College is a product of this system, giving the states the power to conduct elections and choose the president. As a result, each state holds some power in determining the executive branch.

Democrats don't share the values of our framers. They want power for themselves, and they want it all cost. That is why every major proposal they are now pushing begins and ends with their power and a centralized federal government that they control.

Let me explain: Without the Electoral College -- and our framers knew this -- smaller areas with dense populations -- in other words, New York, New Jersey, California -- would monopolize the keys to the White House. Look at how all four of those states have been destroyed by the people who have elected liberal socialist politicians. Everywhere else --in other words, all of red America -- would be pretty much totally ignored. Power would be totally consolidated.


This was the scenario our framers, our Founders, feared the most. It's one of the reasons, Thomas Jefferson  hated cities, writing they are harmful to "the morals, the health and liberties of men." He was smart, way ahead of his time. 

And for hundreds of years, the Electoral College played an integral role in decentralizing the power of government, keeping the United States united. You think all those red states would stick around and be in the United States if they kept losing to New York, New Jersey, California and Illinois? I tend to think not.


Democrats don't share the values of our framers. They want power for themselves, and they want it all cost. That is why every major proposal they are now pushing begins and ends with their power and a centralized federal government that they control.

Government-run health care and complete takeover of the health care industry -- yes, run by the state. Remember, Kamala Harris and others want to end all private health care. That impacts 200 million Americans. I thought they were pro-choice? And government-run education - now they're going to add pre-K and college education. They haven't done a better enough job with kindergarten through 12th grade? And they will have government consolidation of all guns and gun laws and government-run clean energy through the government takeover of the energy sector.

In other words, they will take it over. No more oil and gas is their proposal for ten years or we're going to die. Government-run universal income, government-paid-for vacation,government-sponsored healthy food. 

Many of these 2020 candidates even want the government to control the means of production. In other words, the socialist Green New Deal they proposed, and they will tell you how to run your business. There will be government promises for everything and for everybody -- you'll never have a worry in the world. But you also will give up all of your freedom and all of the wealth creation systems we have built up to this point in our history.

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