Tucker Carlson: What happens to our troops in Ukraine if Russia invades?

Very soon American soldiers could be fighting Russian soldiers

Joe Biden, you may recall, spent a lot of his time as vice president meddling in the internal affairs of Ukraine. And you may wonder, why Ukraine as opposed to say, Denmark or Senegal or any of the world's other 195 countries. Simple. Because the Ukrainians were paying Joe Biden's family a million dollars a year in exchange for the work that he did. And as president, you may have noticed, Biden has continued to represent Ukrainian interests. Most recently in their dispute with Russia

Biden talks constantly about all the scary things he'll do if embattled Vladimir Putin dares to offend the territorial sovereignty of Biden's close friends, the Ukrainians. But one thing Joe Biden will not do, he has assured us repeatedly, is send American troops to Ukraine. Polls show Americans do not want that at all and Biden claims he's heard the message. 


BIDEN: This would be the largest, if he were to move in, with all those forces would be the largest invasion since World War II. It would change the world

REPORTER: What about military consequences? 

BIDEN: There's not going to be any American forces moving into Ukraine. 

There are not going to be any American forces moving into Ukraine. That's what Joe Biden told us, and it's reassuring to hear that. But wait. It's not true. It's yet another lie from the mannequin, in case you're still bothering to keep track of them all. Fox News has just learned that there are already more than 300 American troops in Ukraine. Now, Joe Biden is calling them "military advisers," just like we did back in Vietnam. Troops, advisers, it's really a distinction without a difference. 


Just last week, we were told there are only 150 American troops in Ukraine. As far as we know, the force has more than doubled in recent days, and that's assuming the new number is even real. And by the way, why would we assume that number is real? These people lie about everything. The truth is, we have no idea how many American troops are in Ukraine right now; only that the total is a lot more than they said it was because again, they lie all the time. 

So here's the question. There are American troops in Ukraine. What's going to happen to these troops if and when the Russians invade? The Pentagon says there are no plans to pull these troops out. And so that means that very soon, American soldiers could be fighting Russian soldiers, which sounds to our civilian ears very much like the definition of war with Russia. Are you ready for war with Russia? Has anyone asked for your consent or even your opinion on war with Russia? No. That's democracy. Biden style.

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