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Published June 03, 2018
Turns out that the “War on Women” is only a War on Some Women. It just depends on their politics.
This past week, that conflict raged from a disgusting racist tweet by TV comedian Roseanne Barr to a disgusting misogynist comment by TV comedian Samantha Bee on her TBS show “Full Frontal.” The differences in how those fights and others played out was night and day. Or, more accurately, left and right.
Barr tweeted that President Obama’s former senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, who is African-American, was the result of the "muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj." Barr was fired almost immediately.
Bee called President Trump’s daughter and White House adviser Ivanka Trump a “feckless c---.” She merely apologized and kept her job.
It was a week of outrage as the media tried to equate Barr with Trump and his supporters, but avoided equating the vehemently anti-Trump Bee with Democrats and other Trump opponents.
A few of the allies in this battle were unusual. Some CNN staff criticized Bee, who works for a sister network. “Newsroom” host Poppy Harlow called Bee’s comment “way over the line” and “incredibly offensive.” Senior Media Reporter Oliver Darcy termed Bee’s comment “a really disgusting remark.” Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton called it “grossly inappropriate.”
Presidential decapitator and comedian Kathy Griffin expressed sympathy for Bee. “I know firsthand what it’s like being put through the Trump wood chipper,” she whined. Liberals treat victimhood as the highest honor.
The media outrage was far worse for the Roseanne comment. Journalists were slow to jump on the Bee attack, perhaps because they so love her. Remember, in 2016 CNN Anchor Jake Tapper did both a fake interview and a real interview promoting Bee’s “Not The White House Correspondents' Dinner.” She gave him the first “Thunder C---- award.”
And then there was The Washington Post’s rationalization in a story headlined “Why the c-word is so taboo, and why some women want to reclaim it.” The article states: “When viewed as a positive term, in reference to the anatomy that unites women, ‘the negative power of c— falls in upon itself,’ writes Inga Muscio in her 2009 book about the c-word, which she calls ‘an ancient title of respect for women.’ ”
Two advertisers have dropped Bee’s show. Her scheduled award for “Programming that Advanced Social Change” wasn’t canceled. However, the Television Academy Honors hid from the controversy and wouldn’t allow “any press attending” the event where Bee received her award, according to Deadline.
Lost in the coverage of the c-word was how Bee also seemingly urged Ivanka Trump to seduce her dad, all in the name of immigration reform. “Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to f------ stop it!” Bee ranted, referring to new border control policies.
Also downplayed by the media were the numerous other times Bee has gone over the line. She’s attacked the Catholic Church (“more treasure than Smaug The Dragon,”), called Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a “fish-faced, horses---- salesman” and compared U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the Nazis in in the film “Schindler’s List.”
This latest round of combat all began with a liberal attack on Ivanka Trump for sharing a photo where she was holding her 2-year-old son. Unhinged celebrities from singer Halsey to comedian Patton Oswalt, targeted the president’s daughter, trying to turn the photo into a referendum on illegal immigration. (Much of that concern was based on false information.) That’s what led to Bee’s vulgar criticism.
In the midst of all this, Politico had the audacity to call out President Trump’s reaction. “Trump’s new midterm strategy: Outrage.” It took two staffers to write this gibberish, which hit the Internet about 48 hours before Bee’s comment.
President Trump slammed TBS on Friday. He tweeted: “Why aren’t they firing no talent Samantha Bee for the horrible language used on her low ratings show? A total double standard but that’s O.K., we are Winning, and will be doing so for a long time to come!” Of course, he’s right about the double standard.
2. How the Heck Does Joy Reid Still Have a Job? Joy Reid is the “Deadpool” of lefty TV personalities. She’s written so many crazy things that would kill most careers, but hers seems almost immortal.
This past week’s discoveries might put that theory to the test. Reid was already battling a horde of critics, first over allegations that she posted anti-LGBT items in years past. Then, she had to fend off the fact that pretty much no one believed her claims that both her blog and the Internet Archive had been hacked.
The Daily Beast had a typical assessment: “The Daily Beast investigated the MSNBC host’s claims that someone hacked her old blogs to make her appear homophobic and found that the evidence provided crumbles under scrutiny.”
Some of the latest goodies from her old works include: Sen. John McCain’s “face was photoshopped onto the body of Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho.” His daughter and “View” co-host Meghan McCain told The Daily Caller she wants “an official response” from MSNBC. Good luck on that.
In another post, Reid wrote: “It’s worth taking a second look” at a conspiracy-laden 9/11 video “produced in part by Infowars’ Alex Jones.” Still another post attacked the “Zionist regime” of Israel. An article in The Federalist is headlined: “In Old Blog Post, MSNBC’s Joy Reid Attacked Wolf Blitzer For Being Too Nice to Jews,” referring to the CNN anchor.
Another comes from National Review’s Jim Geraghty, who reported that Reid called Hillary Clinton “a social climbing shrew who let her hubby pork another woman and get away with it so she could fulfill her own, venemous [sic] and strangely male ambitions.”
This latest bombardment of Reid’s past comments resulted in public apologies from both her and MSNBC. “There are things I deeply regret and am embarrassed by, things I would have said differently and issues where my position has changed.” Reid said. “Today I’m sincerely apologizing again.”
Reid’s statement conveniently ignored the silly hacking allegations or the FBI. MSNBC said nothing about firing her. And The Daily Beast has another piece about how that’s not enough and reported: “And more than a month after the controversy began, many of Reid’s MSNBC colleagues are embarrassed by the network’s handling of it.”
This is why people say there is a double standard. There is.
3. Let’s Attack Kim Kardashian West, Too! The media have been in an uproar about performer Kanye West’s flirtation with forming his own opinions. Now they attack his wife as well.
Mic even criticized her clothing, saying Kim Kardashian West wore “controversial designer to her meeting with Trump.” Cosmo’s Jill Filipovic described the meeting as “sad and dangerous” and just aided the “toxic administration.” The New Yorker declared the talk, “a Nightmare We Can’t Wake Up From.”
Lefty Vice tried to minimize both Kim and the president: “And ah, yes—here is our president, former reality TV star Donald Trump, meeting with Kim Kardashian, current reality TV star, in the Oval Office of the White House.”
“Wendy Williams Show” star Wendy Williams said: "I think that Kim is bored with her money and unsatisfied with her marriage."
Once more the reaction showed how Trump is jumbling alliances. CNN hosts Van Jones and Don Lemon both defended Kardashian. Jones said, “hats off to Kim Kardashian.”
CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta claimed the meeting was not “normal.” “She shouldn’t be here, talking about prison reform, it’s very nice that she is here but that’s not a serious thing to have happened here at the White House,” he said.
You Really Shouldn’t Miss This: If you needed the perfect video example of schadenfreude, this past week gave you several. They were all part of a new HBO documentary and depicted President Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes after Hillary Clinton’s election loss to Donald Trump. It truly shows how much the media had convinced Democrats they would win. The election night classic has conquered the Internet as a meme, but Breitbart gathered a few of the best.