Republicans, Stick With Six Simple Words to Beat Obama

The 2012 presidential race heats up this week with the first Republican presidential debate in almost a month. As the men and women who would be president spar at the Reagan Library, the GOP contenders need to remember to loudly to remind all Americans why a Republican must be in the White House come January 20, 2013.

As I wrote here in Fox News Opinion just a year ago, the message the candidates convey to Americans needs to be as clear as possible to hit home with voters. 

Six words are all it takes:

- Small Government
- Low Taxes
- National Security

Smaller government and low taxes will achieve the economic kick start that the United States needs  so badly by stimulating hiring and consumer spending.

A continued concentration on national security is necessary to make sure that Americans continue to be safe as we have been for 10 years since the attacks of 9/11.

The use of such a simple summary, of course coupled with a detailed plan for revitalization of America, is perfectly timed.

Recent polls find that Americans are overwhelmingly tired of the seemingly useless and complicated sausage making that is going on in Washington, D.C. The general discontent afoot across America provides a perfect opportunity for the strong GOP field to use the six word mantra to build support for Republicans going into the general election.

Barack Obama has repeatedly failed to convey such a crisp and concise message.

The president has waffled on issues ranging from Guantanamo Bay, to Afghanistan, to the debt ceiling debate and to international trade agreements. The indecision and lack of conviction emanating from the White House explain why this president is experiencing all time low approval ratings.

Public relations disasters such as the rift last week with Speaker Boehner over this week’s address to a joint session of Congress have also added to the negative and inept image of the president that is now held by well over fifty percent of the electorate.

With a year and 2 months left before the general election, President Obama has left himself extremely vulnerable against the GOP presidential field, but that in no way ensures a victory for any Republican in 2012.

However, if the Republican candidates are able to relate to the electorate by using a concise message such as the 6 words spelled out above, Obama could and should become a one-term president.

Boris Epshteyn is a political strategist, attorney and business consultant in New York City. He served as a communications aide on the 2008 McCain-Palin  presidential campaign. 

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