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    Photo Opinion: YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs

    Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, these images say it with pictures instead of words: On Monday, reports that the United Nations was planning to appoint an ambassador to serve as earth's contact with space aliens generated great excitement. The plan has since been debunked but we can still dream! Here's YOUR choice for *U.S.* ambassador to UFOs and their inhabitants.   Click through the images and show us your talent by creating a photo op-ed for the NEXT slideshow:  Democrats are focusing on the "youth vote" to help the Party stay in power in Congress after the midterm elections. Give us YOUR take on how Democrats, Republicans and Tea Party supporters can pull in the 'youth vote' this fall. Send your image, full name and hometown to: Mention if you'd like daily alerts on the next topic. None of the images were created by Fox News.

  • YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs
    Alan Neale, France
  • YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs
    Gene Nystrom
  • YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs
    Mark McKitrick, MI
  • YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs
    Kenneth Robers, OH
  • YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs
    Chalmers Crowell, GA
  • Published
    5 Images

    Photo Opinion: YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs

    Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, these images say it with pictures instead of words: On Monday, reports that the United Nations was planning to appoint an ambassador to serve as earth's contact with space aliens generated great excitement. The plan has since been debunked but we can still dream! Here's YOUR choice for *U.S.* ambassador to UFOs and their inhabitants.   Click through the images and show us your talent by creating a photo op-ed for the NEXT slideshow:  Democrats are focusing on the "youth vote" to help the Party stay in power in Congress after the midterm elections. Give us YOUR take on how Democrats, Republicans and Tea Party supporters can pull in the 'youth vote' this fall. Send your image, full name and hometown to: Mention if you'd like daily alerts on the next topic. None of the images were created by Fox News.

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  • Photo Opinion: YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs
  • YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs
  • YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs
  • YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs
  • YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs
  • YOUR Choice for U.S. Ambassador to UFOs