Open letter from Hispanic Republicans to Donald Trump

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump finishes up speaking before a crowd of 3,500 Saturday, July 11, 2015, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

Mr. Trump:

The undersigned are proud Americans who are either Mexican immigrants or children of Mexican immigrants. Our story, similar to that of millions of immigrants – of all races, creeds and nations – who came before us is one of hard work, faith, perseverance, ingenuity, sacrifice, success and love for America. We are not rapists. We are not criminals. And we do not have a lot of problems, just one — and that is with the comments you made about Mexican immigrants.

Republicans deserve a standard bearer that appeals to our best hopes, not our worst fears. We need a presidential candidate who focuses on proposing real solutions to issues rather than having sensationalism and demagoguery as a campaign strategy.

Make no mistake; there is room for a real and honest conversation about how to fix our broken immigration system. But there is no place for the kind of divisive, demeaning, and misguided rhetoric you’ve been using for the past month. Your comments continue to not only demonstrate your own ignorance on the issue but a failure to recognize the vast contributions immigrants and Hispanics make day in and day out.

For generations, immigrants – including many Mexican immigrants – have answered the call of duty to defend our nation and our way of life. Many have shed their blood, paying the ultimate price to protect the freedoms we enjoy daily — yes, including your right to say the outrageous things you do. During times of peace, we work hard and strengthen the national economy. With 52 million Hispanics in the U.S., more than 33 million of Mexican origin, we collectively have an impressive buying power of $1.2 trillion.

So while we are confident in the kind of community we are, the values we hold dear, and the contributions we make, we will not stand idly by as you double down on your derogatory statements about immigrants and our community.

It is a tragedy that while other Republican presidential candidates are running serious campaigns — they have had to spend time repudiating your disgraceful views. We have also seen the Republican National Committee, key Republicans in Congress and across the country distance themselves from your comments. They have all done the right thing, making it clear that you do not speak for a vast majority of Republicans.

We know it was only recently and conveniently that you decided to adopt conservative views and join the Republican Party. You’ve spent most of your time advocating for liberal policies and donating generously to Democrats — including none other than Hillary Clinton, who even attended your most recent wedding. (And while Mrs. Clinton has expressed her disappointment over your comments, there’s no indication that Mrs. Clinton or her family’s Foundation have any plans to return your donations).

We belong to the America and the party of Ronald Reagan — one of optimism and opportunity. We believe in the America that is the shining city on the Hill. Where it doesn’t matter where you came from, what your last name is or who your parents are. It is the America in which hard work and determination allows you to succeed and achieve your dreams.

Republicans deserve a standard bearer that appeals to our best hopes, not our worst fears. We need a presidential candidate who focuses on proposing real solutions to issues rather than having sensationalism and demagoguery as a campaign strategy.

Lastly, America more than ever needs a president who will unite us – with both words and deeds – not further divide us. You fail on all accounts.

As such, not only have you lost our respect and our buying power, but you have lost our vote. We will never support you, your candidacy or your enterprises. Without the Hispanic vote you will not be the Republican nominee, much less the president of our great nation.


The Hon. Ruben Barrales, CEO GROWTH, California

The Hon. Hector Barreto, Former SBA Administration and President of Hispanic Business Roundtable, DC.

The Hon. Jovita Carranza, CEO JCR Group.  Former Deputy Administrator, SBA, Illinois

Joseph Galvan, Principal Galvan & Associates LLC., former HUD Midwest Regional Director, Illinois

The Hon. Abel Maldonado 47th Lt. Governor California

The Hon. Rosario Marin, Former US Treasurer, CEO Marin & Marin LLC, California

Jerry Natividad, President CEO American Facilities Services Corp. Colorado

Jose Nino, Former President /CEO of the USHCC, Maryland

Mario Rodriguez, Chairman Hispanic 100, California

The Hon. Theresa Speake, Former Assistant Secretary Dept. of Energy, Virginia

Massey Villarreal, Former National Chairman Republican National Hispanic Assembly, Texas

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