President Barack Obama steps of Marine One upon arrival at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., on Tuesday, July 29, 2014, en route to Kansas City, Mo. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
President Obama found numerous ways to make the United States less relevant in the last six years, but he came up with a new one in his misbegotten foray into the Gaza war: He’s so wrong that even Israel feels it’s safe to ignore him.
The decision by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reject Obama’s pressure for a unilateral cease-fire and instead widen the campaign against Hamas reflects a new low in the Obama presidency.
More important, it is impossible to argue with Netanyahu’s decision.
The terror threat is so grave that Israeli military leaders, bolstered by strong public support, believe they can’t return to business-as-usual. They aim to deliver a knockout punch to the rocket arsenal and the tunnel network to make sure Hamas doesn’t emerge intact and ready for another war.
Click to read Michael Goodwin’s complete New York Post column.