Now It's Rielle's Turn for a Tell-All Tale

At last, it’s official.

Erstwhile videographer Rielle Hunter admits in the April issue of GQ that she did, indeed, have an affair and subsequent love child with defrocked presidential candidate John Edwards.

Who woulda’ thunk it?

And whether you consider Ms. Hunter a poor, love-struck striver, smitten by what she describes as a “force field” of Edwardsian magnetism, or just a plain, old-fashioned home wrecker, you’ve got to give her credit for one thing – disclosure.

Ms. Hunter uses the GQ piece to lay out (and we’re not just talking about the photos!) her views on most of the pertinent details about….how she and the frothing former Senator became love mates…her boy friend’s omnipresent fear of his cancer-stricken and now-estranged wife, Elizabeth ….and the sniveling fealty of Edwards’ aide Andrew Young, who famously claimed paternity of Hunter’s love-child to shield his boss from ignominy.

That is not to say that Ms. Hunter will be universally hailed for her public confession. Mr. Young has already raced out of the box to denounce his pretend baby momma’s rewriting of history. And Young, author of his own score-settling memoir, obviously knows something about “rewriting history.”

The real loser, once again, in all of this is the object of Young’s former and Hunter’s evidently continuing affection – John Edwards, himself.

In the packed pantheon of loathsome and egomaniacal politicians, the former junior senator from North Carolina continues to “distinguish” himself with each new revolting revelation.

We already knew, from Young, that Edwards cheated on his dying wife, slept with his mistress in his wife’s bed, denied on national television that he was the father of his mistress’ child, and, maybe most implausible, really did prefer $400 haircuts.

Now we learn, from Hunter, that Edwards slept with her on the night they met, lived in mortal fear of his wife’s hair-trigger temper, and didn’t mean it when he told ABC in 2008 that his wife was the only woman he ever loved.

We also learn from Hunter that she and the philandering plaintiff’s attorney are still very much in love.

Our connection,” she says, "is profound."

So could there be future wedding bells for mistress and lover, reunion between daughter and dad, and even, don’t laugh, political comeback for disgraced former presidential candidate?

In America in the 21st century, “Never say never.

Fraser P. Seitel has been a communications consultant, commentator, author and teacher for 30 years. He currently teaches public relations at NYU and is the author of the Prentice- Hall textbook "The Practice of Public Relations," now in its eleventh edition, and co-author of "Idea Wise."

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