Notre Dame Outrage -- More Clergy Weigh In

By David GibsonReligion Writer/Blogger, Pontifications: Catholic Faith and Culture

Editor's Note: The following piece is from our partner site For more commentary from BeliefNet, click here.

Americamagazine, as promised, has the official, redacted version of Fr. Cleary's letter to President Obama here. It is much more successful, I think, largely thanks to editing.

Better still, from my point of view, FWIW, is a commentary on the whole Notre Dame-Obama controversy by the retired archbishop of San Francisco, John R. Quinn. It is titled "A Critical Moment: Barack Obama, Notre Dame and the future of the U.S. church."

I have always greatly appreciated Archbishop Quinn's intellect and approach, and they are on display here. Quinn says this is "a critical moment" for the church in the United States, and poses several key question as to how this uproar will affect the future of the faith and the pro-life movement.

To read Mr. Gibson's complete piece for "Pontifications," click here.

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