My prediction about Melania's next two years (Hint: Look out, she's just getting started)

It’s been two years since Melania Trump officially gained the title of first lady. During this time, she’s embraced her role in a unique and unconventional way that’s made America fall in love with her -- and left her critics completely baffled.

The mainstream media, together with their buddies in Hollywood, were so sure this was a woman who didn’t want any part of public life. They were convinced if they persevered with their vicious attacks on her she’d eventually break.

Two years later, much to their surprise, she’s still standing.


It’s left many in the media scratching their heads, wondering about this first lady, the likes of which they’ve never seen before.  She’s a puzzle they still can’t seem piece together.

However, if you looked close enough over the last two years at Melania Trump you could see that she’s not a stereotypical cookie-cutter first lady, nor is she a reluctant first lady, as many people often speculate.

On the contrary, what’s perceived as reluctance is an understated but fierce intelligence — a woman who, much like her husband, is always one step ahead of everyone else. She knows exactly what she’s doing, and she’s doing it her way.

Melania is a force to be reckoned with, and she’s been a strong and steady asset to the president throughout his first two years in office. She’s much smarter than anyone gives her credit for, and she’s one of the most underestimated high profile figures in recent history.

Rather than choosing to adopt a single issue initiative as we’re used to seeing first ladies traditionally take on, Melania chose to broaden her scope and tackle several issues facing our children. Her “Be Best” campaign focuses on their overall well-being, social media use and opioid abuse.

She’s faced an onslaught of attacks for her campaign because her critics believe it contradicts President Trump’s behavior on Twitter, which they perceive as bullying. And his behavior is somehow her fault.

Apparently, women are supposed to be held accountable for their husband’s actions. Or maybe it’s just this woman.

Either way, this is where hypocritical feminism gets exposed with a gigantic spotlight.

Oh, the irony of the left and the radical feminist movement.

Melania got credit for making the president’s first state dinner a huge success. The first lady chose to forgo an event planner for the dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte, and instead put her own mark on it.

Even CNN was forced to admit that the dinner was a success. Betsy Klein and Kate Bennett wrote online, “This was her house, her dinner and her terms.”

There’s no doubt everything Melania has done, she’s done on her own terms. When she went to Iraq with the president over the Christmas holiday, she became the only first lady to visit Iraq since the war started, and she was the first first lady to enter a war zone in more than a decade.

Since becoming first lady Melania has refused to be baited by an antagonistic media. She’s done a great job of ignoring all the noise — and it’s been loud at times.

She has transcended the small-minded critics’ open season on her clothes, shoes, Christmas decorations, and even her accent. Never mind that she’s fluent in six languages. It’s all fair game, and all have been the source of endless, vile attacks.

Publicly she’s tuned it all out and continued marching to the beat of her own drum — in her stilettos.

In her 1988 Democratic National Convention Speech former Texas Governor Ann Richards said, “Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.”

In our society today that quote would probably trigger a feminist freak out and send them running for their safe spaces. However, Melania proves Richards’ point: she’s just as tough as her husband, she’s just less theatrical and more understated.

She has transcended the small-minded critics’ open season on her clothes, shoes, Christmas decorations, and even her accent. Never mind that she’s fluent in six languages. It’s all fair game, and all have been the source of endless, vile attacks.  Publicly she’s tuned it all out and continued marching to the beat of her own drum — in her stilettos.

Melania is a force to be reckoned with, and she’s been a strong and steady asset to the president throughout his first two years in office. She’s much smarter than anyone gives her credit for, and she’s one of the most underestimated high profile figures in recent history.


The next two years we will very likely see and hear much more from our first lady — in her own unique style and likely in high heels.

She’s just getting started.


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