President Trump’s refusal to back down to radical Democrat Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley is a matter of principle, not pride. As always, this fight is about defending the interests of the American people and our great American traditions of patriotism and sacrifices for our God-given freedoms.

“Republicans know that America is the greatest force for peace and justice in the history of our world,” he said during Wednesday night’s raucous rally in Greenville, North Carolina, “but these left-wing ideologues see our country as a force for evil.”

Is America good or evil? On Wednesday, President Trump made it clear that the debate playing out on Twitter and Capitol Hill concerns the very core of American greatness.


When President Trump promised that he would Make America Great Again, he restored a sacred covenant between the American people and their leaders. The United States had fallen on hard times, plagued by pessimism, corruption, and despair. The country was falling apart, and elites turned a blind eye, distracting themselves with adventurism abroad and identity politics at home. Over many years, our governing establishment had allowed itself to lose faith in American ideals and the heritage of our forefathers.

Left-wing ideologues think the United States is an evil nation that bears the sins of the world on its shoulders. In order for America to be redeemed, they believe that our institutions, heritage, and history, must be completely destroyed and replaced with more “acceptable” versions. For them, America can only become a force for good if it first undergoes radical transformation.

In 2016, President Trump pledged a return to the principles that have always made America a force for goodness and justice in the world. On Wednesday night, he articulated how this restoration of popular pride in American greatness has drawn out the key difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Left-wing ideologues think the United States is an evil nation that bears the sins of the world on its shoulders. In order for America to be redeemed, they believe that our institutions, heritage, and history, must be completely destroyed and replaced with more “acceptable” versions. For them, America can only become a force for good if it first undergoes radical transformation.

As President Trump pointed out in Greenville, the Democrats “want to demolish our constitution, weaken our military, and eliminate the values that built this magnificent country.” For Democrats, patriotic Americans are little better than garbage. Illegal immigrants are “more American” than they are.

This attack-America-first mentality has devastating real-world consequences that extend far beyond the halls of Congress. Fueled by the hatred and disdain that Democrats regularly espouse for the American people, Antifa mobs — which Trump accurately called “a dangerous militia” — explicitly threaten to tear down the basic building blocks of our great Republic.


President Trump offers an alternative to the vile nihilism of liberal extremists: cut out the identity politics and join your fellow citizens in the pursuit of greatness. By returning to the founding principles of American politics and bringing back government by and for the people, America has and will continue to return to its preeminent place in the world.

Radical Democrats intent on spewing hatred will inevitably keep trying to get in the way of American progress. But in Greenville, Trump reiterated his message loud and clear: he’ll keep putting America first no matter how much that aggravates Democrats.