Lauren Appell: Media scrooges need to lighten up on Melania Trump or they’ll end up on Santa’s ‘naughty’ list

It would be a Christmas miracle if Melania Trump’s critics would offer some goodwill to men this season and take a time out from ridiculing our first lady.

If anyone is making a list and checking it twice, our first lady is still as dignified as they come.

At a time when we often see the best in people, Trump haters view it as another opportunity to once again disparage the first lady over – wait for it – decorations. And they’re not even original about it.


Last year her all-white trees were compared to horror movies like “The Shining.” This year the horror references are back. This time it’s the all-red tree theme she chose that’s being compared to “The Shining,” as well as the TV show “The Handmaid’s Tale,” with people calling it the “House of Horrors.”

It’s red – the color of Christmas, and Santa, and Rudolph’s nose. Anyone having nightmares yet?

Her critics are sticking with the horror show-themed insults. It’s probably easier to just recycle last year’s insult than try to come up something else to mock a fake tree. Stay tuned for part three next Christmas. Mrs. Trump could decorate with angels and baby Jesus and they’d still find a way to link it to “The Shining.”

The media gladly gave more coverage to the not-so-newsworthy Christmas decoration controversy than they did to Mrs. Trump’s speech on opioid addiction at Liberty University last week.

If you didn’t hear about her town-hall at Liberty because the media was busy telling you how the White House had been turned into “Dante’s Inferno” for Christmas, you’re probably not alone.

Speaking at Liberty, Mrs. Trump called the opioid epidemic plaguing our country the “worst drug crisis in American history.”

Last year 48,000 Americans died from drug overdoses involving opioids. President Trump signed a bill in October that provides more access to treatment for opioid addiction.

Opioid abuse is part of the first lady’s “Be Best” campaign, which also focuses on the well-being of children, as well as the use of social media.If this were former first lady Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton or even Laura Bush addressing a national drug crisis, does anyone really believe they would have been largely ignored by the media?

On the contrary there would've been cover stories in leading magazines, one-on-one softball interviews on the “Today” show and “Good Morning America;” perhaps a laudatory "60 Minutes” segment as well.

The haters are gonna hate and keep hating, not because her decorations are spooky or evil, but because her last name is Trump. That’s enough to make her, her accent, her wardrobe, and her decorating style a coveted target for all the president’s haters who still can’t accept the 2016 election results.

And what about the Christmas decorations when these first ladies were in the White House? Does anyone remember the abhorrent contempt and hatred aimed at them that we’re seeing directed at Mrs. Trump?

No? Me neither.

Never in recent memory has there been a first lady who has been so respectful and yet so utterly disrespected.

It’s disgraceful.

The haters are gonna hate and keep hating, not because her decorations are spooky or evil -- they’re not -- but because her last name is Trump. That’s enough to make her, her accent, her wardrobe, and her decorating style a coveted target for all the president’s haters who still can’t accept the 2016 election results.

For the last two years she’s done an admirable job of shaking it off quite nicely. This time was no different.

In true form, the first lady responded to the attacks on her decorations by inviting everyone to come visit the White House and see them, and saying, “It’s the 21st century and everybody has different tastes, I think they look fantastic.”

Remember it was Michelle Obama who said back in 2016, “When they go low we go high.” Recently, during an interview to promote her book Mrs. Obama lamented how the first lady didn’t want any advice from her.

Well, Melania is actually agreeing with her so perhaps Mrs. Obama should take her own advice and “go high” and call off the liberal scrooge fest directed at Mrs. Trump. Though, you probably shouldn’t count on it.

A quote that has often been attributed to former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt goes as follows: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

Over the last two years a lot of small-minded energy has been wasted on maliciousness aimed at the first lady’s clothes, shoes, and how she speaks. Though they always seem to leave out that she’s fluent in six languages – more than any other first lady.

Likewise, recently a lot of outward hostility and news resources are being expended on red trees that have zero effect on anyone’s life and will be gone in January.

Bah Humbug.


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