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TUCKER CARLSONDemocrats use disasters to punish those who didn't vote for them… Continue reading…

MAMA BEAR VS. DOJ – I fought for my son. The school board told Biden's Justice Department to investigate me… Continue reading…

REP. BRUCE WESTERMAN -- I'm a Republican who supports environmental stewardship but Biden's electric car obsession is not the answer… Continue reading…

PUTIN'S DESPERATE MOVE – Russia’s annexation of Ukraine territory will backfire on Putin, force Zelensky to keep fighting…Continue reading… 

GREG GUTFELD – New York City kids are in therapy due to a constant state of panic at seeing 'real horrors'... Continue reading… 

LESSONS NOT LEARNED – Progressives still haven't learned this lesson one year after the infamous National School Board Association letter. 'Terrorist' parents will always fight back…  Continue reading…

DEMOCRAT'S MIDTERM MUSINGS – I'm a Democrat who can't help but wonder if GOP will snatch defeat from jaws of victory before Election Day Continue reading…

MAX LUCADO – Where's God in Hurricane Ian and the storms of life… Continue reading…

VIDEO OF THE DAY – Sean Hannity discusses Biden’s latest gaffe and how the president's cognitive decline is only continuing to worsen… Watch now...

PAY ATTENTION, GOP – Hispanics care more about economic issues than culture wars and this creates a real opportunity for the GOP as midterms approach…  Continue reading…

MIKE POMPEO – America’s military and our country won’t survive if wokeism continues to rule… Continue reading…

IRAN PROTESTS – Team Biden's strategy of ‘relentless diplomacy has been torched by Iran protests but administration still refuses to learn…  Continue reading… 

CARTOON OF THE DAY – Ghost of Theories Past. Check out all of our political cartoons...

Ghost of Theories Past 

Ghost of Theories Past