When people we love die, is that the end of our relationship with them? Or is it possible that their souls survive and can communicate with us still? Can they visit us? Can they send us signs letting us know they are with us still and love us?

Based on my experiences, I have come to know that they do.

One of the main ways that our loved ones on the other side get our attention is to let us know that they are watching over us and are still present in our lives is by sending signs and messages. One of their favorite (and easiest) ways to do this? By manipulating electrical devices.


It seems they are able to affect electrical devices in some impressive ways. Often, they will manipulate our cellphones with calls from unknown numbers on meaningful days, by changing words in our text message boxes or by having words and messages mysteriously appear in our text message boxes that we didn't type.

Even more impressive, they sometimes appear on camera for us. Sometimes it's in the form of a mysterious orb that appears in pictures of family gatherings and celebrations.

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We live in a day and age where we are never far from our electronic devices, be it an iPhone or a Nest security camera. And every now and then, if we are paying attention, we catch glimpses of our loved ones making their presence known.

Recently, a New York couple found some very curious footage on their home security camera.

One of the main ways that our loved ones on the other side get our attention is to let us know that they are watching over us and are still present in our lives is by sending signs and messages.

On Aug. 8, while checking their Nest camera at 1 a.m. in order to check on their ill cat, they found something else appearing that they couldn't quite explain.

There seemed to be an image of a person, along with a small pet, also checking on his sick cat. The man, Joey Nolan, posted it on Reddit. As it turns out, Joey wasn't the only one who saw it.

It also, by the way, just so happened to be the 20th anniversary that night of Joey's grandfather's crossing. Coincidence? Dust? A spider crawling across the Nest camera? Or could it be a visit by his grandfather, who brought along a pet, to also check on the cat and make his reassuring presence known to Joey?


I have a Ring camera and I know what it looks like when a spider crawls across the camera. I can assure you, it doesn't look like that.

In the footage, there is what appears like "light energy" in the form of a man and small animal by him walking toward the cat, pausing, and then turning and going back. All caught on video. This movement forward and back is distinct, as is the form of the man, and a pet low to the ground.

Is this wishful thinking, or could a visit by a loved one, especially on a significant date, be possible?

I think often when we are met with moments that seem to defy the parameters of the world as we know it, we react with two emotions: fear and rejection. Our rational mind tries to explain it away. If that is not possible, we dismiss it.


However, I think the most important thing we can do in life is to be critical thinkers. To not simply reject ideas that fall outside the parameter of our belief, but to explore and question.

Watch the video yourself and ask yourself that question. Could the truth be that those we love who have crossed are still with us? Could it be that they are sometimes even able to give us tangible proof of this through signs and messages, and sometimes even by appearing on our security cameras? The answer may be more comforting and loving than we ever dreamed possible: YES.