Robert Mueller’s team got an indictment against Roger Stone, but instead of simply contacting his attorney and requesting he bring his client in for arraignment - standard protocol in such cases - the special counsel decided on Gestapo tactics.

While still dark and well before dawn, 29 armed FBI agents and a rifle-toting SWAT team
clad in body armor
, fatigues and tactical vests arrived at Stone's Fort Lauderdale home. Seventeen vehicles, including armored trucks with lights flashing waited outside as agents banged on Stone's door, yelling through a bullhorn: "FBI, open the door."


Inside, was a groggy Roger Stone, his deaf wife and their pets.

Lo and behold, CNN was there to videotape the whole thing. Now, why would they be there, especially when the FBI considers this dangerous enough to have SWAT teams and guns drawn?  

"Alisyn, it's reporter's instinct.," CNN's crime and justice producer David Shortell told anchor Alisyn Camerota. "The whole Russia team thought maybe something was happening. There was some unusual grand jury activity in Washington yesterday." 

Unusual grand jury activity? But grand juries meet in secret. Admit it CNN, you got
a call from Mueller's team. You're not kidding anybody and it's a crime for someone whoever to alert you, although I suspect, Mueller won't give a damn.  

As a former prosecutor, I did this for a living. For 30 years, my police squad worked with the FBI, State Police and local law enforcement when we needed help in arresting a suspect or seizing evidence in a potentially dangerous situation where the individual was dangerous or a flight risk.  

What the Mueller team did here was not only laughable, it was embarrassing
to everyone in law enforcement. Waking a couple up pre-dawn is chaotic
enough, but when the wife is deaf, a directive from someone with a gun
drawn is a catastrophe waiting to happen.  

This show of force was a transparent attempt to embarrass and intimidate Stone. He wasn't a flight risk and he had no guns. His passport was expired, or just about to
expire. Mueller's other intent was to poison the jury pool to make Stone seem
like public enemy No. 1 over an indictment for a nonviolent
crime that has nothing to do with Russia or collusion. It's a process


The Mueller team's modus operandi seems to be to keep asking Trump associates the same questions over and over and over, hoping there will be a mistake. When there is, they indict. President iTrump s right to note that Mueller indicts Stone for allegedly lying to Congress, yet ignored when former FBI Director Jim Comey, ex-CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper all lied to Congress. And, of course, dear Hillary Clinton lied every time she opened her mouth.  

There's still no evidence President Trump "colluded" with Russia to steal the 2016 election. Roger Stone is charged with crimes after the fact that involved procedure. The only reason Hillary Clinton cronies Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Bryan Pagliano and the whole gang surrounding and protecting Hillary are not charged with process crimes is because Jim Comey, who himself should be indicted, never bothered to investigate.

Adapted from Judge Jeanine Pirro's monologue on "Justice with Judge Jeanine" on Jan. 26, 2019.