I'm an Evangelical woman and I support Donald Trump

FILE -- April 27, 2016: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs up after giving a foreign policy speech at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Every American woman who professes to believe in God has a responsibility to raise her voice in this election cycle and vote for a candidate who stands ready to restore America and that means American values as the strongest force for good and freedom that modern history has known.

There is no doubt the women’s vote will be the most sought after of all demographics since a woman is the nominee of a major party for the first time in history.  But, most women I know are not so shallow as to vote for someone based on gender.  They consider a number of factors when making an important decision based on a person’s character and priorities.

There can be debate and disagreement about Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton but little can be said about any Barack Obama legacy other than he rarely saw anything positive in America past or present.  There was never any chance he would make America great again because he never thought America was ever great.

Since the years Ronald Reagan’s “Shining City on a Hill,” there has been a steady decline in our national self-confidence and assertion that absolute rights and wrongs do not exist.

Women of faith don’t need a saint, but they want someone who will fight for them and their children and defend the honor of the nation.

Trump respects American history and sees a clear path to a promising path for all Americans.  He has lived the American dream and wants others to do the same.

Americans rightly have a healthy skepticism concerning political matters, particularly the Republican Party.  While the majority of Americans have dismissed the liberals and their party for some time, they have elected and then reelected Republicans who promised to be different, to reduce the size of government and make Washington work.  They weren’t different and they joined right in with the rest of the despised political class.

Donald Trump promises he will be different.  His campaign has certainly been like no other we have ever seen.  He speaks in understandable sentences even though, sometimes, he says something crude or offensive.

In Washington, the only opportunities to hear something truthful is when a politician stands too close to a microphone he or she doesn’t know is turned on.  Then we get to hear the truth by accident.

Not so with Donald Trump, he says the most controversial and provocative thing without hesitation in a loud voice to the throngs at his rallies. And most Americans find his off-the-cuff manner refreshing and a welcome break from the careful and timid mumbling of official Washington of both parties.

Mr. Trump promises that we will be allowed to wish each other “Merry Christmas!” again in future Decembers and that political correctness will be discarded in favor of his “common sense” approach to governing.  No more apologizing, particularly when we believe we are right!

Some leadership in what calls itself the “conservative movement” expresses reservation and concern about Trump’s “conservative populism” as if there is something disconcerting about a conservatism which is popular. It is ironic that most rank-and-file conservatives have abandoned the hand-wringing of their supposed leaders just as union members have.  All the bow-tied pundits and think tank recluses are being lost in the dust of grassroots conservatives who are rallying to Trump.

Evangelicals, and especially evangelical women, are the key.  They are not the average voter.  They are smart, they are well-informed and they love their families dearly and feel a strong connection with the country.

Trump is not the lesser of two evils.  He is an imperfect man who has sacrificed a very comfortable life making successful real estate deals from his high-rise penthouse. Instead, he is calling evil out and attempting to do what is right as he sees it.

I’m reminded of President Reagan’s promise that the best days of America always lie ahead. Optimism and hope in the country is critically important to restoring its greatness.

What do women really want? They want leadership. They want a man who doesn’t back down to the politically correct forces of the day. Something most politicians and even some ministers have done in recent years.

Women of faith don’t need a saint, but they want someone who will fight for them and their children and defend the honor of the nation.

Donald Trump is a good man, a patriotic American and, maybe, the last hope for those of us who value rights given to us by God and recall fondly an America which cured diseases, built skyscrapers and stopped evil armies on the march.

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