If you’ve ever said ‘my life is a mess’ – Consider THIS

(Courtesy of the author)

How many phrases do you see on a daily basis that say something along the lines of “Yeah, I AM a mess – and I’m perfectly okay with it!” From the “I can’t even” T-shirts to the “My life is a joke” memes all over social media, sometimes it seems like being a “mess” is the rule rather than the exception.

I’ve double tapped these phrases on social media and have laughed at some of this merchandise because – hey, I get it. There have been times in my life when I could totally relate to those phrases – and I’m sure you’ve had those moments too.

There’s nothing wrong with being self-deprecating. In fact, I think making fun of ourselves, to a certain extent, is good for us. It brings us back down to earth and reminds us we can never achieve perfection. Even the Bible tells us to have humility rather than pride.

But I also can’t help but wonder...are these memes and these phrases we use to describe ourselves to our friends taking a larger toll on us than we realize?


We might think it’s no big deal to regularly cut ourselves down, but if we continuously project this version of ourselves into the world of social media, our peers, and sometimes even our coworkers, how long will it be before we start to ACTUALLY believe that it’s the real one? How long will it be before we begin to doubt our worth?

As C.S. Lewis pointed out, “All mortals tend to turn into the thing they are pretending to be.”

I think most of us are okay with “liking” these self-loathing memes & joking with our friends about our lives being in "shambles" because deep down we know that isn’t who we really are – we’re just PRETENDING to be that person. But none of us truly WANT a life of chaos and unfinished business.

It’s ok and even healthy to realize your limitations, but you should tread lightly when you speak about yourself. Remember that you are a creation made by God, and He made you in HIS image (Genesis 1:27).

Never forget that He made you carefully, lovingly, and with a purpose. Rather than using your humility to tear yourself down, admit your weaknesses to God so He can help you grow into the person he created you to be. “So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me (2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT).

So you see – understanding your weaknesses can actually BENEFIT you when you bring God into the picture. Stop the self-loathing and understand that your value rests on the fact that He loves you. HE can help you get your life together; you don’t have to do it alone.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength (Isaiah 40:29-31).

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