What a week for the Dems. Two new candidates: Kamala and Java Man. Kamala is the Hillary of 2020. We know because it's easy to predict a Democratic candidate. Just follow the mob.

When Obama first ran, the press and pundits shouted to the heavens: "We all know it's Obama. So everyone – out of the pool.”

And then, later, they all knew it'd be Hillary. Until the orange Godzilla ambushed them. He showed that it's not hard to ambush a mob – especially a mob of lemmings. Just dress up like a cliff and they'll jump right off.


This year, it's Kamala's turn. How do we know? I heard it from the lemmings. Here’s what they said on “Morning Joe” on MSNBC:

Mika Brzezinski: “Senator Kamala Harris officially kicked off her 2020 presidential campaign … look at that crowd! She was home and I think she was really strong, Joe, what are your thoughts?”

Joe Scarborough: “I don’t know about you, but the second I saw her up there, I said: ‘Wow, she's got what it takes, she filled that stage and she can play in the big leagues."

They're gooier than taffy on a hot dashboard. So the lockstep begins. Which is why Java Man is having a hard time.

A heckler yelled at former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz at a stop on his book tour Monday: “Don't help elect Trump. You egotistical billionaire a------. Go back to getting ratioed on Twitter. Go back to Davos with the other billionaire elites who think they know how to run the world. That's not what democracy needs.”

Someone got a day pass from the home.

Of course, there’s “The View.”

Joy Behar: “Your entry into this race will guarantee Trump another four years.”

Howard Schultz: “I don’t agree with you. I don’t agree with you.”

Joy Behar: I know you don’t. I know you don’t.”

Howard Schultz: “If he runs against a far-left progressive person, who’s suggesting 60 to 70 percent tax increases on the rich and a health care system we can’t pay for, President Trump is going to get re-elected … and no one wants to see him fired more than me."

Joy Behar: "And no one wants to see you run more than him.”

She's like a cold cup of coffee.

So you hear the fear in their voices. Java Man wants to do what Trump did. Say surprising things about new ideas. Laugh at the press. Drive the mob crazy.  But there’s a problem. The mob fears if he runs as an independent he'll take votes from Kamala, handing a win to Trump, and they’re right.

Schultz is an old school lib, and by showing up next to the clown car that is the Democratic Party, he exposes how far left they've become – he's not a socialist promising pie in the sky BS. He's sane.

The solution for the Dems? Pick one like him, so no one flocks to him. Or watch Howie run. Look at him. He's already committing the cardinal sin – going after the media's pre-ordained choice.


Howard Schultz, on CBS: “You just played Senator Harris is saying she wants to abolish the insurance industry. That’s not correct. That’s not American. What’s next? What industry are we going to abolish next? The coffee industry?”

Big mistake. Going after her, he'll last about as long as a pork chop in a piranha tank.


Adapted from Greg Gutfeld’s monologue on “The Five” on Jan. 29, 2019.