Gutfeld on Democrats warning party about far-left shift
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Something weird is happening over in the Democratic Party. I mean, more than the usual weird.
This is a "good" weird. The whiny kids have made so much of a racket that the adults are finally waking up.
First, BET network founder Bob Johnson said this about Democrats: "The party in my opinion, has moved – for me personally – too far to the left, and for that reason, I don’t have a candidate … in the party at this time. I think at the end of the day, if a Democrat is going to beat Trump, that person, he or she, is going to have to move to the center, and you can’t wait too long to do that.”
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Then he said: "I think the economy is doing absolutely great. ... African-American unemployment is at its lowest level, Hispanic unemployment, women, so I give President Trump … a lot of credit for moving the economy in a positive direction that’s benefiting a large number of Americans."
That sound you hear is Democratic presidential contender Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey crying.
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And there's former Obama administration Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson criticizing his party's candidates for essentially proclaiming to smugglers that we have open borders.
Where did these guys come from? A "Make America Great Again" rally?
Both Johnsons are vocal black Democrats. Yet I can’t wait for the media to paint them as white supremacists!
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So I applaud this, because right now the sensible Democratic Party is in hiding, terrified of the looniest voices. Those voices are an unlikable mess of identity screamers and Antifa sympathizers who throw milkshakes for exercise.
Maybe these two Johnsons will lead the way for other Dems to stand up and shout: "Stop being crazy." If only crazy people would listen. But delusions make you deaf to sense.
Right now, Democrats are approaching cult status. One that rejects all mainstreaming, shrinking in size as they alienate everyone who isn't woke enough.
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For the new left, any deviation from "resist" makes you complicit in evil. Just being born, can make you racist.
But this strategy is for losers. Meaning that if only four people, by your tiny definition, are "woke," that means the remaining 340 million are not.
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And if you wish to condemn the unwoke, say goodbye to all of them.
You'll be members of the world's smallest party — one that no one wants to attend.
Adapted from Greg Gutfeld’s monologue on "The Five" on July 9, 2019.
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