Gutfeld on campus absurdity
UK student union bans clapping, students told to use 'jazz hands' instead.
Clapping has been banned at Britain’s University of Manchester Student Union because it triggers anxiety and discourages people from attending events. It will be replaced with a silent version of "jazz hands" – which is said to encourage an "environment of respect."
Meanwhile, a Massachusetts professor says that the label "veteran" should be expanded to include peace activists. I say the label "professor" should be expanded to include messy droolers.
The one thing these things have in common, besides lunacy, is that they've both broken out of the asylum gates of the local university. The seed pods from that garden of stupid, are now blooming in the real world.
Why is that? Because no one wants to say, "that's really dumb." We are all bullied to silence by the tyranny of grievance.
Nobody wants to share the risk in calling out absurdity because that makes you a big meanie.
Example: you're on a subway and a maniac gets on board. He’s a babbling idiot. So everyone looks down at their phones.
Why? Because no one wants to assume a piece of the risk. So they hide from the maniac.
Then you realize the maniac is Bill de Blasio. Again. He’s screaming inanities. Your head aches. He won't shut up. So now the joke's on you. You should have complained the moment de Blasio got on. You should have said, 'shut up and get out of here. You’re too loud and stupid for mass transit.'
Ideological excess spreads when everyone looks the other way. Whether it’s on campus, in congress, and in media.
But maybe for once, let’s share the risk. It might be the only defense we have left.
Adapted from Greg Gutfeld's monologue on "The Five," Oct. 3, 2018.