Once again Donald Trump attacked the media, accusing them of fake news.

Wait. I was half-wrong. Fake news, yes. But it wasn't Trump.

It was incoming Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who bashed Politico for "gossip that masquerades as reporting."

Of one piece she says, "This story has not a single name or verifiable source. My dad had a name for junk articles like this: birdcage lining."

It's more awkward than 'fake news' but it works.

So I'm awaiting the media outrage. How dare she attack the press? Isn't she aware that she's putting reporters in harm's way!

I kid. Of course, the press will save that for Trump, and never shoot inside the tent. AOC is a socialist, putting her smack dab in the middle of their own yurt. But good for her.

SeeTrump's chief impact is giving voice to the ticked-off masses who for so long have put up with half-truths passed off as the whole truth. Trump is you and me yelling at the TV, back when there was such a thing as "TV." And bashing fake news is now spreading to people like AOC, Who should speak up! If she doesn't, if you don't, what happens?

Reporters can decide what they want to write first, then find the "sources" to shape a piece to their liking.

Germany's most influential newsmagazine had its star reporter just confess to making up stories -- for seven years. He was CNN's journalist of the year, in 2014.

So I welcome AOC for joining Trump in fighting fake news. Pretty soon she'll be eating well-done steak with ketchup.

Adapted from Greg Gutfeld’s monologue on “The Greg Gutfeld Show” on December 20, 2018.